Crying in H Mart

Trade paperback, 239 pages

Published March 28, 2023 by Vintage Books.

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4 stars (59 reviews)

In this exquisite story of family, food, grief, and endurance, Michelle Zauner proves herself far more than a dazzling singer, songwriter, and guitarist. With humor and heart, she tells of growing up one of the few Asian American kids at her school in Eugene, Oregon; of struggling with her mother’s particular, high expectations of her; of a painful adolescence; of treasured months spent in her grandmother’s tiny apartment in Seoul, where she and her mother would bond, late at night, over heaping plates of food.

As she grew up, moving to the East Coast for college, finding work in the restaurant industry, and performing gigs with her fledgling band–and meeting the man who would become her husband–her Koreanness began to feel ever more distant, even as she found the life she wanted to live. It was her mother’s diagnosis of terminal cancer, when Michelle was twenty-five, that forced a reckoning …

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Crying in H Mart (Audio)

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I have a theory about crying in the movies; when reading books; listening to music (maybe it's the kind of thing that is actually super obvious and accepted by everyone else and I am just now catching on to it): Art makes you cry more when you're older.

When I was a kid, my mom really loved the movie Beaches. She probably still does, but she used to, too. Nowadays it might not be the kind of movie that everyone has seen, and it's been several years since I watched it myself, but what I remember is that it's about two women who became friends when they were young (and hanging out on a beach) and the story of their lives as one (Bette Midler) goes off to chase her dreams of being a big time singer and the other (not Bette Midler)... I …

Review of 'Crying in H Mart' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

If anyone doesn’t understand how ‘whiteness’ has nothing to do with skin colour you can just show them this book. A book about being half Korean written by the whitest woman in the world.

She manages to make everything about her. The most obvious example is her father. You would think she would have some empathy, after all whatever she is feeling for this distant mother figure she barely interacted with must be a thousand times harder for the man whose life was completely defined by her, who lived with her his entire life. But no, instead she tries her best to demean and belittle his experience, culminating in the weirdest scene in the book, where she asks the reader to join her in smugly judging a grieving widower for committing the sin of acting like a tourist in a foreign country.

Then there’s the food, just endless irrelevant lists …

Review of 'Crying in H Mart' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

this memoir was full of the most intimate thoughts, the vulnerability michelle zauner shared in her book really had a grip on my heart. what's funny is that her style of writing kinda reminded me of my own way to write, describing the smallest moments in incredible detail in order to hold on to dear memories. all the descriptions of the high variety of korean food in this book made me incredibly hungry at 2am lol, and i think i might have to do some research on the names of the different meals so that i can picture them better in my head. while the beginning and the end of the book was a little too slow-paced for me, the middle part was gut wrenching and gripping, and sometimes i feared reading the next chapter because being confronted with the imagery of a slowly dying mother just scared the living …

Review of 'Crying in H Mart' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Warta uwagi. Pierwsze 30% - moim zdaniem autorka chce szybko i jak najlepiej przedstawić nam swoje życie, aż do choroby jej mamy, ale niestety wdaje się w za wiele dygresji, szczegółów i nazwisk. Reszta książki - piękne i szczerze opisanie więzi, uczuć, tego co w środku w człowieku. Michelle niczego nie koloryzuje i tak jest najpiękniej, najlepiej. W książce widać, że to prawdziwi ludzie i ich prawdziwe życia, a nie wydmuszki.
Bardzo rezonuje ze mną ta książka.

Very well told

5 stars

This book really grew on me, the tone was honest and direct, it felt real, very personal and as if the author had put it down in one flow, effortless, which I'm sure it wasn't. Even though I knew her from the music she makes with her band Japanese Breakfast and it partly covers the starting out part of her career, it never becomes an artists bio, but you do get another perspective on some of her music..

Difficult subject matter, well written

4 stars

Zauner reflects on her childhood and relationship with her mother through the lens of her mothers' death.

This is far from my favorite book, however, I think it's worth a read considering that Zauner handles tough subject matter with care, and touches on family, belonging, and identity as a multiracial person in America. It's great writing.

Review of 'Crying in H Mart' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Trotz der Kürze des Buches, gab es hier und da ein paar Wiederholungen. Insgesamt aber ein traurigschöner Erfahrungsbericht über Verlust, Familie, Herkunft und die Liebe zum Essen.

Despite the shortness of the book, there were some repetitions here and there. But on the whole, it's a beautifully sad memoir about loss, family, origin, and the love for food.

Review of 'Crying in H Mart' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is my first written review.

I come to this book from a unique perspective, being that my wife is Korean and we have 2 children (boy 15, girl 12) and while my wife has had some health issues in recent years, thankfully she is still with us. So while I can't exactly empathise with everything Michelle has gone through, I can certainly relate to a lot of it.

The long and short of it that this is a very personal story, I've seen other reviews noting that it feels almost too personal, but I imagine it was a cathartic exercise for her to write this and I applaud her for it.

Not the longest book, I finished it within about 5 days, and felt connected to the story right from the beginning having had similar experiences of Korean culture, firstly through my wife and then vicariously through the children. …

Review of 'Crying in H Mart' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

I don't know how to review a book like this. I've been torn apart by images of naked, bleeding grief bookended by descriptions of kimchi and the best noodle broths. Impossible how Zauner sways so easily between joyous memories and the still fresh pain of losing her mother. Hoping someday I have half the strength to love like she does.

Review of 'Crying in H Mart' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

"What we're looking for isn't available at Trader Joe's. H Mart is where your people gather under one odorous roof, full of faith that they'll find something they can't find anywhere else."

The author relates her story about growing up Korean American in a way that anyone, of any background, can find something in. She grew up in Oregon to a demanding mother, struck out on her own after troubled teenage years, and then returns to care for the same mom as she's fighting cancer. It's an honest look at self-image, grief, and identity that I absolutely loved to read.

Her way of writing was stellar even as she described the many different faces of grief and loss, and while I don't really cry from books, this one brought me close. And, I know this is a weird thing to bring up in a sober review like this, but the …

Review of 'Crying in H Mart' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book feels like a fraught love letter to Zauner's mom, who died of cancer when Zauner was in her mid-20s, wrestling with all the things people go through when trying to find their footing in the world as an independent, functioning adult. She examines her bi-racial, bi-cultural identity and captures the complexity of mother/daughter relationships, all while making it seem effortless to write sentences that any MFA program would give a standing O. I hadn't realized she is also a musician until the end of the book, which then prompted me to go check out her band on twitter.

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  • Singers
  • Rock musicians
  • Biography
  • Korean Americans
  • Autobiographies
  • Biography & Memoir
  • Food Memoir & Travel
  • nyt:combined-print-and-e-book-nonfiction=2021-05-09
  • New York Times bestseller
  • Koreans, united states
  • Rock musicians, biography
  • Singers, biography
  • Asian americans
  • Cooking, korean
