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Published June 7, 2011 by Brilliance Audio.

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4 stars (63 reviews)

3 editions

Review of 'Hexed\r\n \r\n Iron Druid Chronicles Paperback' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then this novel must be quite flattering to Butcher. The style is the same as Dresden, full of humor to balance the adventure and serious nature of the threats, which seem more than credible. All of this isn't to say that it's reductive or apes Butcher; Hearne does have his own style of writing and a unique cast of characters and a unique world. In this outing, Hearne does more worldbuilding, while continuing the threads from the prior novel. If the prior novel was a sketch, this one filled in the shading and brought more color to the work. Thoroughly enjoyable, and definitely recommended.

Review of 'Hexed\r\n \r\n Iron Druid Chronicles Paperback' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I was very impressed with the first book and was laughing throughout at the many jokes, puns, weird metaphors. The witty humor of Atticus is great fun to read. I also enjoyed the well-rounded story told in the first book.

The second book has two weaknesses:
- several subplots are open-ended, the story has taken off and turned into a series, this makes for a less fulfilling story experience.
- some of the running gags are a bit stale by now. The humor feels forced in places, a bit less would be totally fine.

But it is still a very enjoyable, easy read for a relaxing Sunday afternoon. And I've already started the third book.

Review of 'Hexed\r\n \r\n Iron Druid Chronicles Paperback' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Hexed is the second book in the trilogy written by Kevin Hearne. In this book, Atticus and his wolfhound Oberon face even greater dangers and problems than in the first book, Hounded. All kinds of witches and demons are doing their best to make life very hard on the Druid, and not only they but also 2 Goddesses are making life more than just a bit interesting for him. The shop has to suffer from all this unwanted attention as well.

Like Hounded, Hexed for me is a very good book, easy to read and full of action, and I am looking forward to the last in this trilogy, called Hammered. (After reading Hexed, I think I have an idea where this is going....)

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