
A Trip into the Mirror World

416 pages

English language

Published Sept. 5, 2023 by Penguin Books, Limited.

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4 stars (51 reviews)

8 editions

A la découverte du Monde miroir, invisible, presque incompréhensible, et pourtant si proche. Nul ne peut en revenir indemne.

5 stars

Certains livres changent la vie, d'autres changent notre vision du monde. D'autres encore font irruption dans le réel. Celui-ci combine ces deux dernières catégories. Le hasard, ou la destinée, a voulu que j'entame le Voyage dans le Monde miroir le premier février de cette année 2025, voyage littéraire uniquement, pour ma part. Dix jours seulement plus tard, nos plus de 300 millions d'amis américains ont entamé de leur côté leur voyage politique de l'autre côté du miroir. Je termine aujourd'hui cette lecture, ce séjour, un mois et près de 500 pages plus tard, groggy par une nouvelle vision du monde et sidéré de sa réalisation en temps réel de l'autre côté de l'Atlantique : un tsunami dont la vague nous laisse déjà interrogateurs vis-à-vis du présent et de l'avenir, proche comme plus lointain. L'impossible, l'impensable, est arrivé. Nous ne l'avons pas vu. Nous avons si peu anticipé. Et pourtant il …

Of the best books to understand 2020

4 stars

The book elaborates a very complete connection between the processes that came prior to 2020 and the post covid society. There are not many books that explore reflections on what happened to the pandemic and its repercussions on social processes of a world that had already been dragging its sorrows (already seen in Klein's previous books)

Unexpected but well worth a read

4 stars

An examination of the covid years that existing in our memories as a blurred, distant thing despite having just been couple years ago! I appreciated how Kline cleverly takes you off the beaten path, only to deliver you back on path possessing a greater insight into an unexpected part of the whole.

Glad I read it

4 stars

Not the book I was expecting but a stonking good read nonetheless. Klein is a clear, incisive and insightful writer, and gave me a lot to think about.

Though there is some levity, much of it is absolutely chilling as it takes an unflinching look at the state of the world. Klein is no doomsayer but… it's not looking good folks.

Decidedly worth reading, and a book I'll be ruminating on for a long time to come.

Well worth a read

5 stars

Naomi Klein combines an interesting discussion of her experience being mistaken for Naomi Wolf, in combination with history, current events, and the experiences of the last decade or so. It's a very interesting, captivating, and enjoyable read, and informative as Klein can be.

Review of 'Doppelganger' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Naomi Klein is one of the most important thinkers of our time, whether she is applying her talents to film, journalism, or long-form writing. Her ability to pull together often seemingly disparate threads of analysis into a coherent, fluid whole is as erudite as it is insightful. Doppelganger covers a wide array of sociopolitical issues that threaten life as we know it in North America, weaving it all together through introspection on the concept of having a personal double. She has done a tremendous lot of study and legwork following what once was the far right, which has over the last decade become its new center. Klein's approachable synthesis of all that she's gleaned in that process is a gift to those of us who cannot stomach, say, hundreds of hours of Steve Bannon's War Room. Along the way the reader is offered new or reframed mental models that help …

Review of 'Doppelganger' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

I wasn't sure where this would lead, but, as always, Klein didn't disappoint. Her destination is terrifying. As a reader I appreciated her scaffolding the story to get us there. Towards the end, she delves into solutions, though with notable resistance to the idea of solutions at this point. But, she does offer us, 'Change requires collaboration and coalition, even — especially — uncomfortable coalition.' To get to this new world, she references a key from Civil Rights scholar John A. Powell, asserting, 'We can be hard and critical on structures but soft on people.'" Time to f#$% some sh!# up and take care of one another. My rating? who cares!

Review of 'Doppelganger' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Naomi Klein has a very incisive view of the current world - the strengths and weaknesses of both the left and right, and why people slip between the cracks and land in the Mirror World full of its own set of truths and news and facts that reflect, but don't agree with the views and values of the consensus reality. I like her dawning compassion about the way that the left can be too rigid and not reflective enough, and that closing people out creates conditions for this mirroring. Usually books around a theme bend reality to fit the theme, but Klein found a lot of very honest ways in which doppelgangers apply to our current reality.

There are no firm conclusions, but the raw honesty, the uncertainty, the struggling with how complicated things are -- I think that's the point. In particular, her handling of Israel and Zionism is …

A broken mirror

No rating

I think I wanted this to be something slightly different than what it was—less on Wolfe and contemporary politics, and more on the concept of doubling, more abstract and literary, less political. It has elements of both, and autobiography in a way that seems quite new (and welcome) for Klein, so more an issue of proportion than of kind. As it is, I found this interesting in the moment but didn’t find a lot to take away with me.

Review of 'Doppelganger' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

A riveting analysis of our moment in history, using the parallel paths of Naomis Klein and Wolf as a device to examine the multiple realities we've constructed for ourselves. Incisive and pointed, I particularly agree with a conclusion that pulls no punches about how to correct our paths and potentially save ourselves. I couldn't recommend it more highly.

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