

Danish language

Published June 29, 2016 by Gyldendal.

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3 stars (7 reviews)

I 1953 vinder den 19-årige Esther Greenwood en måneds praktikophold i New York på et modemagasin. Som del af en gruppe talentfulde unge kvinder bliver hun indlogeret på hotel og inviteret ind i New Yorks fashionable verden med modeshows og fester.

Esther vil gerne være digter og er en klartskuende og ret så nådesløs iagttager af det liv, der omgiver hende, men selv er hun mere og mere apatisk. Hjemkomsten til Boston, hvor Esther bor med sin mor, bliver et chok. Hun får afslag på det skrivekursus, hun har ansøgt om, og sommeren ligger skræmmende tom foran hende. Efter et mislykket selvmordsforsøg bliver hun indlagt på psykiatrisk hospital. En glasklokke har sænket sig over hende.

Glasklokken er både en satirisk skildring af det rum, 1950’ernes Amerika kunne tilbyde unge kvinder, og en insiderberetning om depression, skrevet med indlevelse og poetisk kraft. Glasklokken udkom første gang i 1963, og blot en …

11 editions

reviewed The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath (Faber paper covered editions)

The Bell Jar

4 stars

"If you expect nothing from somebody you are never disappointed." So I came across this book by pure chance on one of the websites I frequent and gave it a read and and i am glad i did so. The story itself is so poignantly written that it really evokes strong emotions in you. Sylvia Plath's writing is brutally honest and raw. She doesn't shy away from portraying the challenges and complexities of mental illness.

A must of 20th century us literature

5 stars

This is prose writing at it's absolute best, and however distressing the content of the book may be , you can't fail to be impressed by the masterful use of English by this unbelievably gifted young woman. I went on to read Sylvia's journal, and at that point it became obvious that you can substitute the name Esther for Sylvia - they are one and the same. I've felt compelled to read much of the other prose and poetry she wrote in her tragically short life and can totally understand why she's regarded as one of the greatest writers of twentieth century literature.

Review of 'The Bell Jar' on 'GoodReads'

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I can see how this may nbe an affirming book for some people but reading this just gave me sympathetic feelings of these things PSA don't read this in one day if it's January and you're already dealing with depression. This was just too close to home to much of a reminder of the reality of what I'm living and a warning of how far this can drag you and just wow. Yeah. Do read if youve never experienced mental illness for insight because this is so spot on.
