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Dɪɢɪᴛᴀʟɪs Pᴜʀᴘᴜʀᴇᴀ

Joined 3 years, 7 months ago

Bio: an eclectic physician Avatar: Burt Lancaster as the Prince of Salina, a.k.a. The Leopard. Loves: philosophy, poetry, novels, neorealism, postmodernism, existentialism.

“Mi casa tendrá dos piernas y mis sueños no tendrán fronteras„ — Ernesto Guevara

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Dɪɢɪᴛᴀʟɪs Pᴜʀᴘᴜʀᴇᴀ's books

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commented on Paladin's Grace by T. Kingfisher (The Saint of Steel, #1)

T. Kingfisher: Paladin's Grace (Hardcover, 2020, T Kingfisher) 4 stars

Stephen's god died on the longest day of the year…

Three years later, Stephen is …

Viewing this book on Goodreads I saw a list for well written comfort books where people are nice to each other, and I gotta say, this book is exactly that. So I made a list on here with books I read/I'm reading soon. It's an open group, so please feel free to contribute with your faves from Science Fiction & Fantasy. Basically, the closest it makes you feel to a book from Becky Chambers, the best it'll fit in this list. Yourcenar is one of the models I look up to and definitely one of the writers which had the most significant impact in my relationship with life, existence, world, people, past and present. Other females writers I truly enjoyed include Hannah Arendt, Simone De Beauvoir, Sylvia Plath, and obviously Virginia Woolf.

Of Yourcenar, I'd suggest you to have a look at the trilogy of Le Labyrinthe du monde. Quoi? L'Eternite especially.

Luigi Malerba: Pataffio (Paperback, German language, 1996, Fischer (Tb.), Frankfurt) 4 stars

A different perspective on human fallacies

4 stars

Quite a unique, fun, irreverent novel, which inspired the famous Italian comedy 'The Incredible Army of Brancaleone' by Monicelli, set in fictional late-medieval feud in central Italy. The author brilliantly and fluently alternates between a macaronic Latin, Vulgar, and Roman dialect, and ironically highlights the shortcomings of the feudal system. Somehow the novel manages to feel extremely actual with regard to the present struggles in Italian society.

Various Authors: The Passenger: Japan (2020, Europa Editions & Iperborea) 4 stars

A new series from Europa Editions, The Passenger collects the best new writing, photography, art …

A beautiful glimpse on the heart of Japan

4 stars

One of the best titles in The Passenger series. This is one standing out resource on Japanese culture which feels true and intimate, without falling into the typical Western serotypes. The variety of content provided, together with the selected photos and infographics, contribute depicting a lively and dynamic portrait of the traditional Nipponic landscape.

Mohsin Hamid: Exit West (Paperback, 2018, Large Print Press) 4 stars

Inspired by the great reviews, I probably set my hopes to high. The voice of the narrator feels too intrusive at times, and not much space is left to the single characters to speak for themselves. The writing style definitely doesn't match my preferences (coordinate clauses and unneeded adjectives all over the place). Author makes an attempt at magic realism which in my opinion isn't consistent with the the first half of the work.

Richard K. Morgan: Altered Carbon (2006, Del Rey) 4 stars

It's the twenty-fifth century, and advances in technology have redefined life itself. A person's consciousness …

a landmark of cyberpunk genre

5 stars

I really enjoyed this book. An hard-boiled, engaging story which aligns with the themes and the style of its genre, but succeeds at the same time in creating something really unique. Language is simple, straight to the point; explicit at times, but under no circumstances vulgar. A Dense, intricate plot, a crescendo of suspense.

Sylvia Plath: The Bell Jar (2005) 4 stars

The Bell Jar is the only novel written by the American writer and poet Sylvia …

A must of 20th century us literature

5 stars

This is prose writing at it's absolute best, and however distressing the content of the book may be , you can't fail to be impressed by the masterful use of English by this unbelievably gifted young woman. I went on to read Sylvia's journal, and at that point it became obvious that you can substitute the name Esther for Sylvia - they are one and the same. I've felt compelled to read much of the other prose and poetry she wrote in her tragically short life and can totally understand why she's regarded as one of the greatest writers of twentieth century literature.