Paperback, 226 pages

English language

Published March 17, 1993 by Penguin Classics.

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4 stars (87 reviews)

We (Russian: Мы, romanized: My) is a dystopian novel by Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin, written 1920–1921. It was first published as an English translation by Gregory Zilboorg in 1924 by E. P. Dutton in New York, with the original Russian text first published in 1952. The novel describes a world of harmony and conformity within a united totalitarian state. It influenced the emergence of dystopia as a literary genre. George Orwell claimed that Aldous Huxley's 1931 Brave New World must be partly derived from We, but Huxley denied this.

13 editions

reviewed We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (Twentieth-Century Classics)

Review of 'We' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I would love to have read this BEFORE I read 1984 or brave new world.
*For me, it's always kind of a ick them "waking up" because of a romance, cause I really think those feelings would happened from frustration and lack of human affection (etc).


P.S. It's amazing how everyone wants they're mom in desperate times, even if they don't know what a "mom" is.

Deeply messy, definitely dystopian.

5 stars

It's fun to know that this was basically one of the prototypes of the early dystopian (anti-utopian) novel, but it's such a good story that I wonder why it's not one of the more well-known 'classics' of the type.

And it feels like the kind of internal messiness that a person would have trying to survive in such an authoritarian space, with all the conflicting thoughts that accompany it.

Review of 'We' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This is a tough one to review, I think most of the issues I have with the book are due to the translation not being the greatest, I think it was copied into French to hide it from the Russians and then future copies were taken from that.

This is the first Dystopian to be written apparently and it is pretty bleak, you can see how Orwell was influenced by it. The bleak Dystopia though is not the main story here, the story is all about D503 and how he breaks away from the bliss everybody is living in and falls in love, the fact that he has never had these feelings before makes the whole experience more traumatic for him.

I have enjoyed reading this even though it was tough going at times, it is worthy of 3.5 stars. Sometimes I was confused with what was going on and …

reviewed We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (Twentieth-Century Classics)

Review of 'We' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A powerful urtext of contemporary dystopias, We is a panoptic socialist dystopia, expressing concern about the loss of identity in a too-rational society, where emotions and individual identity are considered useless. The same concern can be found in a host of later works but few as intense and elegant as here. Zamyatin's terse, a times desperate, prose, claustrophobically internally focalized, creates a tense reading experience.

The mathematical subtext seems at first trivial, a simple way of developing the protagonist within an overly rational society. But as the story progresses and the revolutionary aspects takes force, it becomes evident that the tension between the finite and infinite is paramount, leading to one of the saddest final sentences in science fiction: "Because reason should win."

reviewed We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (Twentieth-Century Classics)

Review of 'We' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Great story. I love the keywords for each record, and I smiled at all of the the running mathematical analogies (especially D's fear of and trepidation at the "irrational root").

I was surprised at how much the story made me think of other stories, despite knowing before reading it that it has influenced a number of better known tales. The world of "We" is incredibly well constructed, and there are a number of jarring juxtapositions: the writing of a semi-surreptitious journal among the panopticon beehive that leaves almost no privacy; the sexual belonging of one's body to everyone except, apparently, one's self; the assignment of titles like Benefactor and Builder in a society that supposedly shuns class division and individual distinction; even the pacing of the story, from D's initial rational pursuit of his thoughts to the rapid and sometimes scattered, even fragmentary, narrative near the end.

The story is …

Review of 'We' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Yevgeny Zamyatin wrote his seminal dystopian novel We (1921) based on his personal experiences during the two Russian revolutions (1905 and 1917) and the first World War. The book ended influencing dystopian authors like Aldous Huxley and George Orwell. This book not only influenced the dystopian genre but could also be the influence towards the post-apocalyptic genre as this was set in a world where all was wiped out but “0.2% of the earth's population”. The book is set in ‘One State’ which has been organised to be a workers' paradise; everything has to work like clockwork and everything is based on logic and mathematics. This society is heavily surveillanced, has martial law and is heavily censored; a totalitarian world.

The protagonist, D-503, is an engineer who begins writing a journal (much like in 1984) to document Integral, the spaceship being built to invade other planets. D-503 is under constant …

reviewed We by Yevgeny Zamyatin (Twentieth-Century Classics)

Review of 'We' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This book is the first, the original novel of a dystopian future. Written in 1921, it was banned in Russia (where it was written) for 50+ years. It's told in the form of journal entries by the mathematician D-503, who lives in a completely regulated, mechanized society where every minute of every citizen's day is scheduled, and where lack of imagination and lack of individuality are seen as the highest virtues. Citizens themselves are referred to as ciphers or digits, to emphasize their lack of importance relative to the needs of the entire society.

As the book progresses, D-503 meets I-330 and is introduced for the first time in his life to strong emotions, independent thinking, and the possibility that their society is not the best solution. As D-503 becomes more confused his journal entries also become more disjointed and hard to follow in places, I am not sure how …

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  • Fiction / Classics