Paperback, 336 pages

Spanish language

Published Feb. 15, 2023 by Santillana Educación.

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4 stars (37 reviews)

The Neverending Story is Michael Ende's best-known book, but Momo, published six years earlier, is the all-ages fantasy novel that first won him wide acclaim. After the sweet-talking gray men come to town, life becomes terminally efficient. Can Momo, a young orphan girl blessed with the gift of listening, vanquish the ashen-faced time thieves before joy vanishes forever? With gorgeous new drawings by Marcel Dzama and a new translation from the German by Lucas Zwirner, this all-new 40th anniversary edition celebrates the book's first U.S. publication in over 25 years.

88 editions

Review of 'Momo' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Un libro que he disfrutado grandemente, con una fantasía que hace que disfrutes de la hermosa magia de Momo como si fueras uno más de los personajes de la novela. Pues Momo es una niña que no solo sabe escuchar, sino que tiene la habilidad para transmitir toda la vibra positiva que necesitas, al punto que cuando aparecen los hombres grises, logras mantener la esperanza de que el mundo volverá a llenarse de color y que las personas alrededor llegaran a entrar en razón.

Vale la pena su lectura, invita a una reflexión concienzuda sobre el uso del tiempo y la capacidad de empatía, de escucha y apoyo a los demás.

Review of 'Momo: oder, Die seltsame Geschichte von den Zeit-Dieben und von dem Kind, das den Menschen die gestohlene Zeit zurückbrachte' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Momo has got to be the best children's story for adults that you'll ever read. As a child, it was a great adventure book that managed to explain some of the complexities of the adult world to me. As an adult, it's the novel to underline just how useless and limiting many of these complexities are.

Review of 'Momo. Nueva Edición 50 años / Momo. 50 Years New Edition' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Every so often a book appears at just the right time; or, perhaps more accurately, I pick it up at just the right time after years on my to-read pile. Momo was enchanting and so perfectly relevant. All about listening, kindness, attention, love, and our brief time on Earth. A little heavyhanded, and admittedly not really a five, but I'm giving it five anyway.

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