DirkIsMyMiddlename reviewed Voice of Mars by Glynn Stewart
Better than I thought
4 stars
I think it is the 3rd part in the series. Really enjoyed it. Good entertainment!
paperback, 342 pages
Published Dec. 21, 2018 by Glynn Stewart.
You can never go home
When accusations of piracy and mass murder are laid against his homeworld, Damien Montgomery is sent to resolve the crisis.
As counter-accusations fly and an old flame re-enters his life, the newest Hand of the Mage-King of Mars finds himself in the midst of a bloody interstellar shadow war. With the death toll mounting, Damien must decide whether he should trust the world he came from – or the world that asked for his help.
The wrong choice will trigger a civil war that could shatter human civilization.
No pressure.
I think it is the 3rd part in the series. Really enjoyed it. Good entertainment!
Before reading this the blurb was not interesting me at all, I was thinking it would not be good, but I really enjoyed it, so very happy that I continued on :)