Nowe wydanie kultowej autobiografii z okazji stulecia urodzin Richarda P. Feynmana
„Wymaga trochę magii, żeby nauki ścisłe wydawały się takie rozrywkowe, wciągające i proste jak u Feynmana. Niezależnie od tego, czy czytacie „Pan raczy żartować, panie Feynman!” po raz pierwszy czy piąty, mam nadzieję, że sprawi wam to nie mniejszą przyjemność niż mnie”.
Bill Gates
Richard P. Feynman – laureat Nagrody Nobla i jeden z najgenialniejszych fizyków w dziejach w brawurowy sposób opowiada o swoim niezwykłym życiu. Nie tylko przedstawia kulisy prac nad budową bomby atomowej i tajemnicami materii, ale też ujawnia się jako spec od otwierania zamków szyfrowych i mistrz gry na bongosach. Feynman opisuje spotkanie z Einsteinem, walki z rządową biurokracją, codzienne życie fizyków w ośrodku badawczym w Los Alamos i ich flirty z tancerkami w Las Vegas.
„Pan raczy żartować, panie Feynman!” to rzecz kultowa – jedna z najsłynniejszych naukowych książek naszych czasów i jedna z najzabawniejszych …
Nowe wydanie kultowej autobiografii z okazji stulecia urodzin Richarda P. Feynmana
„Wymaga trochę magii, żeby nauki ścisłe wydawały się takie rozrywkowe, wciągające i proste jak u Feynmana. Niezależnie od tego, czy czytacie „Pan raczy żartować, panie Feynman!” po raz pierwszy czy piąty, mam nadzieję, że sprawi wam to nie mniejszą przyjemność niż mnie”.
Bill Gates
Richard P. Feynman – laureat Nagrody Nobla i jeden z najgenialniejszych fizyków w dziejach w brawurowy sposób opowiada o swoim niezwykłym życiu. Nie tylko przedstawia kulisy prac nad budową bomby atomowej i tajemnicami materii, ale też ujawnia się jako spec od otwierania zamków szyfrowych i mistrz gry na bongosach. Feynman opisuje spotkanie z Einsteinem, walki z rządową biurokracją, codzienne życie fizyków w ośrodku badawczym w Los Alamos i ich flirty z tancerkami w Las Vegas.
„Pan raczy żartować, panie Feynman!” to rzecz kultowa – jedna z najsłynniejszych naukowych książek naszych czasów i jedna z najzabawniejszych autobiografii, jakie kiedykolwiek powstały.
Review of '"Surely You\'re Joking, Mr. Feynman!"' on 'Goodreads'
3 stars
This memoir has a weirdly incomplete feeling and some of the chapters really didn't age well. Since I'm not really familiar with Feynman's life, I was confused about most of the timeline and who was who. I take it this was written based on some recordings - I suspect this would have worked better for me as an audio book narrated by Feynman himself.
Review of '"Surely You\'re Joking, Mr. Feynman!"' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
I guess I went into this book expecting something that it wasn't. I read this with a book club and was expecting something a bit more biographic than what I was given. Rather than it laid out like a life story, it came off more like grandpa at the Thanksgiving table telling you the same sorts of embellished stories he's told you every year previous. Sure they're amusing anecdotes to a certain degree, but it's definitely not biographic.
If you take everything you read here at face value the guy clearly led an extremely varied life, which is more than I can say for myself. But the difference here is that, while I maybe lead a boring life in comparison, I'm not quite the quirky jerk that Mr. Feynman was in many of the stories laid out here. Many (most?) of the anecdotes here hinge on Mr. Feynman pulling one …
I guess I went into this book expecting something that it wasn't. I read this with a book club and was expecting something a bit more biographic than what I was given. Rather than it laid out like a life story, it came off more like grandpa at the Thanksgiving table telling you the same sorts of embellished stories he's told you every year previous. Sure they're amusing anecdotes to a certain degree, but it's definitely not biographic.
If you take everything you read here at face value the guy clearly led an extremely varied life, which is more than I can say for myself. But the difference here is that, while I maybe lead a boring life in comparison, I'm not quite the quirky jerk that Mr. Feynman was in many of the stories laid out here. Many (most?) of the anecdotes here hinge on Mr. Feynman pulling one over on someone else, and reveling in how much more clever he is than everyone around him. It was funny in the beginning, but quickly got old for me.
I also thought his views on women around him were problematic, and while an argument can be made about him being a product of his time, it's never too late for improvement and self reflection. You won't find a lot of either here.
Review of '"Surely You\'re Joking, Mr. Feynman!"' on 'Goodreads'
2 stars
It's so strange to find a book beloved by everyone else, and find it so disappointing. The more I kept listening to the audiobook, the more and more I kept getting annoyed at his false modesty and complete sense of disrespect for people that he made fun of. Maybe he was a charming, goofy guy in his personal life - and there's no question about his legacy in his professional life - but if the intent of this book was to show how down-to-earth, carefree and charming Dr. Feynman was, it had exactly the opposite effect on me.
Pulling a prank on innocent bystanders and having a good laugh about it is one thing; deliberately keeping your tips in glasses full of water and then boasting about the mess that the waitress had to deal with in his memoir is a completely different thing altogether. And I had just started …
It's so strange to find a book beloved by everyone else, and find it so disappointing. The more I kept listening to the audiobook, the more and more I kept getting annoyed at his false modesty and complete sense of disrespect for people that he made fun of. Maybe he was a charming, goofy guy in his personal life - and there's no question about his legacy in his professional life - but if the intent of this book was to show how down-to-earth, carefree and charming Dr. Feynman was, it had exactly the opposite effect on me.
Pulling a prank on innocent bystanders and having a good laugh about it is one thing; deliberately keeping your tips in glasses full of water and then boasting about the mess that the waitress had to deal with in his memoir is a completely different thing altogether. And I had just started the chapter about his "bar outings" and how he used to pick up girls there, that's when I lost all patience for the book.
Review of '"Surely You\'re Joking, Mr. Feynman!"' on 'Goodreads'
4 stars
Mr. Feynman is indeed a "curious character". An entertaining look into the life of the Nobel Prize winning theoretical physicist, and not just the scientific side. It is very interesting how some of the issues he complains about are some of the same issues that exist today: "new math", bad textbooks, biased research, etc.