The Galaxy, and the Ground Within

, #4


English language

Published Feb. 18, 2021 by Hodder & Stoughton.

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5 stars (44 reviews)

With no water, no air, and no native life, the planet Gora is unremarkable. The only thing it has going for it is a chance proximity to more popular worlds, making it a decent stopover for ships traveling between the wormholes that keep the Galactic Commons connected. If deep space is a highway, Gora is just your average truck stop.

One of the many establishments present is the Five-Hop One-Stop, a place where long-haul spacers can stretch their legs (if they have legs, that is), and pick up fuel, transit permits, and assorted supplies. The Five-Hop is run by an enterprising alien and her occasionally helpful child, who both work hard to provide a little piece of home to everyone passing through.

When a freak technological failure halts traffic to and from Gora, three strangers are thrown together at the Five-Hop. Grounded, and with nothing to do but wait, the …

8 editions

Great holiday read

4 stars

Well that was quick - three days from start to finish while on holiday! Largely nothing much happens in this book but that's kind of the point. Becky drops you in an alien place with alien people and you just enjoy being there and finding out about the world you're now sharing for a few tens of hours. Great holiday read in the best sense.

Aliens trying to be nice

1 star

The whole book revolved about some stranded aliens trying their darnest to one up each other on being the nicest to everyone else.

I'm sorry but the well-meaning-but-over-the-top-goodness and tipping-around-on-alien-toes-gimme-a-group-hug was reaching too sleazy levels for me... I know it's some kind of utopianism hidden in here, but c'mon. I enjoyed the previous books in the series but this was definitely the most ridiculous one.

De la SF psychologique et sociale qui a l'art de réconforter

4 stars

Huis clos se déroulant sur une planète anecdotique située à un carrefour spatial, La galaxie vue du sol adapte un concept classique : réunir en même lieu une poignée de personnages très différents, hôtes ou voyageurs coincés pour une durée déterminée en raison d’événements ayant lieu en orbite. Cela donne un récit avec une dimension avant tout sociale et psychologique, avec une histoire entièrement dédiée à ses personnages et à la manière dont ils vont interagir / réagir les uns aux autres pour construire peu à peu des ponts par-delà leurs différences. Si la dynamique relationnelle qui traverse le récit est résolument constructive, portée par des figures sincères, attachantes à leur manière, le parti pris cosmopolite du récit n’occulte pas les préjugés à surmonter, et les passifs rattachés aux personnages et/ou à leurs espèces-peuples. Cela donne un roman posé, réconfortant dans la manière dont il prend soin de mettre en …

Maeve Binchy in Space

3 stars

Tbh I don't think this matches up to the preceding Wayfarer stories. The scenario strands a few characters in a hotel, a well worn device which you know will lead to self discovery, murder or both. I last saw it in a Maeve Binchy.

Chambers brings out some of her minor, & a couple of her least charming, species & has fun fleshing out their backstories & redeeming features. And she does deliver a good comfort read.

Btw Aeluons - they have no aural/oral sense but they have aural names for their species, planet & individuals. How does that happen? Answers on a (colour) postcard.

Ein wundervoller Abschluss einer herzerwärmenden Serie

5 stars

Hach, was soll ich sagen, auch dieses Buch war wieder einmal hinreißend schön. 🥰

Drei Aliens unterschiedlicher Spezies, die sich alle nicht kennen, stranden aufgrund technischer Schwierigkeiten zusammen mit ihren beiden Gastgeber*innen in einem Hotel auf einem unspektakulären Planeten namens Gora. Alle bringen sie ihre eigenen inneren Konflikte und Hintergründe mit, doch sie nutzen die Zeit, um aufeinander zuzugehen, sich gegenseitig zu helfen, für einander da zu sein und dabei enge Freundschaften zu schließen.

Die Art, wie diese neuen Bindungen geschlossen werden, wird von Becky Chambers wiedermal herzerwärmend und positiv rührend erzählt. Ich fühlte mich, als wäre ich Teil dieser liebevollen Truppe gewesen und finde es schade, dass die Zeit auf Gora nun zu Ende ist.

Sehr erfrischend fand ich auch, dass in diesem Buch Menschen so gut wie keine Rolle spielen und wir die Geschichte stets aus Sicht der Aliens erleben. Zudem handelt es sich fast nur um Spezies, …

Ein Kammerspiel mit Aliens

5 stars

Ich bin ganz weg von diesem Buch. Einfach toll.

Fünf fremde Personen aus ganz unterschiedlichen Kulturen, mit unterschiedlichen Problemen und Motiven finden sich, von den Umständen gezwungen, zusammen. Sie müssen irgendwie die Zeit gemeinsam überbrücken wobei ihre Sorgen in der Isolation sich Bahn brechen.

Die gleiche Geschichte könnte sicher auch mit Menschen in jeder Epoche erzählt werden aber durch die Wahl von ganz verschiedenen Aliens wird für mich als Leser alles so viele klarer in der Darstellung der Konflikte die durch verschiedene Weltanschauungen und kulturelle Prägungen entstehen.

Auch dieser Band spielt wieder vor dem gleichen Hintergrund wie "Der lange Weg zu einem kleinen zornigen Planeten". Er ist aber wie alle vier Bände aus dem Wayfarer-Zyklus nur lose mit den anderen Bänden verknüpft.

Da hier Menschen fast keine Rolle spielen fällt mir noch stärker positiv auf wie ich die Unterschiedlichkeit der verschiedenen Spezies zu schätzen weiß und wie sie sich von …

Review of 'The Galaxy, and the Ground Within' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

Like a warm hug. Sometimes it's nice to read something that isn't filled with major conflict or intrigue. This was the perfect book to read given the world right now.

It was mostly various people being nice to each other and discussing the differences between their cultures, but with enough tension and drama to avoid it being overly sweet. There were a lot of historical details hinted at, but sadly not explored. I'd have liked a little more of the Pei/Speaker conflict, but on the other hand I wouldn't have wanted more of it. More people (me included) need to be like Ouloo and be able to admit when they don't know enough about a situation to weigh in on it. The same is true of each character's handling of the others' difficulties.

The cheese bit was not good.

Whilst I preferred the more subtle treatment in To Be Taught, …

One for the heart

4 stars

Chambers’ Wayfarers cycle, of which this ostensibly is the last instalment, is the rare kind of SF that works its magic though the heart more than through the brain. The story of five aliens marooned, for a little while, on what is, essentially, an intergalactic road stop, will make you cry over a smile, rekindle your belief in humanity (even if nary a human plays a part) and, at times, laugh out loud (apparently, the matter of cheese is the most befuddling issue aliens would have with humankind). Or at least it made me do so.

Five aliens stranded at a galactic gas station discover the ground they have in common

4 stars

I like Becky Chambers, and the way she portrays common people, or common aliens as people. Her characters are not defined only by their galactic race. They have their own histories, their own agencies, that may or may not be dictated by the world they come from. One of the most desirable future I've read, without being written as an utopia.


5 stars

I'm a huge of fan of Becky Chamber's work, and this absolutely lives up to expectations. It's exactly what I've grown to expect and love. On one level it's got a slow and meandering pace and not a lot happens, and on another level there's so much going on. Small personal stories woven together beautifully. Characters who approach the world with love and kindness even when bad things are happening. Rich and thoughtful world building and alien cultures. This is a story about home: missing it, building it, choosing it, and not having it. I'm so sad to this series come to an end, but I'll come back to these books.

Review of 'The Galaxy, and the Ground Within' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

A feel good sci-fi story tailor made for 2020.

It's nice to be back in the wayfarers universe.
[a:Becky Chambers|8389735|Becky Chambers|] is still delightfully creative.
Captain Pei is an interesting character with real progressions thorough the story.

Other characters feel flat and stagnant.
* A bit too positive / optimistic for my taste. Like a job candidate listing "caring too much" as their greatest weakness.

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