Apparently Brandon Sanderson decided that filling the last 300 pages with a complex and desperate fight in the previous books was not enough. This time the complex and desperate fight fills the last 1100 pages. It takes place on multiple fronts too.
Sadly, these fronts interact little with each other. You could technically separate each location into its own book and read the stories that way. They still lend "dramatic" support to each other I guess. But it makes it natural to review each place separately!
Adolin: Cool action, cool characters, very satisfying conclusion. Everyone's favorite. ★★★★★
Kaladin, Syl, and Szeth: A road trip with chatting and fighting. It's an important story for the world, but it's not that interesting. What is super interesting and very well presented is Szeth's flashbacks. I thought for sure Szeth was irredeemable! And then Brandon Sanderson pulls this. Szeth is the best. ★★★★★
Dalinar and Navani: This is like an infodump. Just directly telling us what happened. Just absolutely pulling the veil from everything. But Sanderson had a few ideas to spice it up! We're in the spiritual realm. We don't know who is who. We have secondary objectives. (Get next anchor. Keep together.) Assassins! Wrathful gods! The best infodump ever! The info itself that is revealed is also perfect. Direct answers to everything we wanted to know, but so many new questions! What's that about Taln trying to kill Cultivation??? The conclusion for Dalinar is unexpected, but I trust Sanderson with it. UNITE THEM! ★★★★★
Shallan, Renarin, and Rlain: Not actually separate from Dalinar's story, but deserves a separate mention. Sneaking around in the spiritual realm is some next level spy thriller. I love how they track down Ba-Ado-Mishram's prison, and the whole Ba-Ado-Mishram story is so cool. Renarin and Rlain are perfect for this job, and everyone gets an exciting conclusion. ★★★★★
Sigzil and Venli: Some nice character building, nice action, nice conclusions. ★★★★☆
Jasnah: So interesting. We haven't spent much time with Jasnah before, and she's just this perfect scholar and general for us because everyone sees her like that. And she sees herself like that. I'm afraid the most important person does not see her like that: Brandon Sanderson. Sorry, Jasnah! ★★★★☆
Interludes: Tanavast's interludes were (intentionally) pretentious and sparing with revelations. But some interludes were very cool, like Rysn or the Iriali. ★★★★★
Just freeze me until the next book please!