We Need to Talk About Kevin

A Novel (P.S.)

Paperback, 432 pages

English language

Published July 3, 2006 by Harper Perennial.

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4 stars (27 reviews)

4 editions

Review of 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Haunting. Disturbing. Probably the most unsettling book i've ever read. I would strongly recommend it and am unsure if expecting parents should avoid it or read it ASAP.

I loved that all of characters were deeply flawed, but realistic. You could spend ages dissecting their family dynamic. The book poses a lot of questions: Are parents responsible for their children's horrible actions? Can someone be a good parent even if they don't love their child? Why do some teenagers decide to commit atrocities, and are some people just born evil? There is SO much to unpack, and the themes are just as relevant in 2019 as they were in 2003.

My only issues were that the vocabulary was unnecessarily difficult at times and the first few chapters are slow, but later chapters are more digestible and the story progresses quickly once Kevin is born.

I do wonder if this was …

Review of 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

There were aspects of this book that hooked me, but I was irritated almost the entire time I was reading it. Here's why:

• It's not big on sympathetic characters: the son is a sociopath, the mom needs a spine, and the dad is a chauvinistic douche.

• The author - in an attempt to create tension, I suppose - lets you know out of the gates that there was a horrific school shooting, but then backtracks to tell the life of the mother before the shooter was even born. While I get that she's trying to share the backstory that led to the events, it felt like the equivalent of having your aunt say, "Did you know your 15 year old cousin is pregnant by her geometry teacher?" then proceeding to tell you about everyone's "kinfolk." Sorry, but it's just bad story telling to string someone along with backstory …

Review of 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

This was another book group book for me. I never would have picked this one up otherwise. Certainly wouldn't have made it past the first few pages. I guess I don't understand what there is to get out of reading books like this. Yes, there are horrible people in the world, but once I know this and have a reasonable understanding of psychopaths (see the Psychopath Test for a much better book about psychopaths), why exactly do I need to read this?

But starting with the writing. The letter to Franklin format got tiresome really fast. It kind of worked in the 2nd half when the paceing picked up but I ended up reading just a few sentences on each page to get through the first half. It was just pages of florid but irrelevant details. I don't feel like I missed anything by skipping so much. And I just …

Review of 'We Need to Talk About Kevin' on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

I really do not know what to write about this book. On the one hand, it is a known quantity; no one starts reading it without knowing, at least in the most general sense, what it is about. On the other, it answers none of the questions the reader will have about its horrific central narrative.

Shriver is, undoubtedly, a talented writer. The story made me feel ambivalence for every single character introduced, no small feat considering how easy it would be to create a maudlin mother or monstrous son. No, in fact, every single person involved has realistic foibles, making the absence of the great "why" at the end all the more appalling.

It could happen to any one of us, here in the real world. And it has. And I'm not sure I needed to read a book about that.

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  • Novel
  • Fiction
  • Fiction - General
  • Literary
  • Fiction / General
  • Psychological
  • High schools
  • Massacres
  • Teenage boys