Le clan de l'ours des cavernes

French language

Published Nov. 9, 1994

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3 stars (28 reviews)

L’adaptation en BD jeunesse du succès de J.M. Auel Parmi le groupe d’hommes, de femmes et d’enfants qui compose le Clan, une petite fille ressort. Elle n’a pas la même structure de visage que les autres, est plus grande et élancée que les enfants de son âge et parle un langage étrange.

Cette petite fille, c’est Ayla. Trouvée agonisante et adoptée par la guérisseuse du Clan, certains disent que cette gamine attirera le malheur et la colère des esprits. D’autres, peut-être plus avisés, ont perçu en elle l’étincelle d’un feu nouveau. Ainsi commence le premier tome de la saga préhistorique

Les enfants de la Terre, écrite par la passionnante Jean M. Auel. À travers l’histoire singulière d’Ayla, plongez dans une interprétation de ce que furent nos ancêtres lorsque l’humanité était encore multiple et qu’Homo sapiens n’était pas le seul hominidé à arpenter le globe.

12 editions

reviewed The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel (Earth's Children, #1)

Review of 'The Clan of the Cave Bear' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I would probably have liked this book a lot more if I'd read it as an early teen. By the time I was over about 16, I think the extremely dubious biology errors would have put me off somewhat. And as a full adult I can also see a lot of innate racism embedded in the book, intended or not, and find it harder to overlook the author's very patchy writing style too.

First of all, it's the story of a blonde, blue-eyed homo sapiens child who loses her family and clan in an earthquake and is rescued and raised by the eponymous clan of homo neanderthalis. She is described as stronger, taller, smarter, and (to the reader) clearly prettier also than all the poor primitive neanderthals, and through the book manages to invent or deduce a highly improbable number of inventions/discoveries from better hunting techniques to genetic theory. The …

Review of 'The Clan of the Cave Bear' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Loved this book. So glad I finally read it.

We begin our story with Ayla. Orphaned as a child, she survives until she stumbles across the clan of the cave bear people. It's gripping and heartbreaking as she grows up and struggles to find acceptance in her new family. It hit the right mix of prehistoric life, family drama, and I really can't wait to read book 2.

Review of 'The Clan of the Cave Bear' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

A childhood favorite re-visited.

Is the story as good as I remember? Yes

What ages would I recommend it too? Twenty one and up.

Length? A week to read.

Characters? Memorable, several characters.

Setting? Real world, prehistorical.

Written approximately? 1980.

Does the story leave questions in the readers mind? Yes.

Any issues the author (or a more recent publisher) should cover? No.

Short storyline: Ayla, a young modern human, is raised by the neanderthals. Some rather stereotypical characters, especially the male group member who continuously, and with the group's consent, rapes her before sending her out to die. This novel is not appropriate for teens.

Notes for the reader: This is the only one that deals with rape as acceptable. The rest of the novels are good, and have a lot of historical accuracy. However, they all contain more sex than necessary for a good story.

reviewed The Clan of the Cave Bear by Jean M. Auel (Earth's Children, #1)

Review of 'The Clan of the Cave Bear' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

sweet jesus I hated this book. I felt compelled to read it because my first boss recommended, and bought me a copy of it, so I didn't think I could give up on it like I wanted to. When he asked me how I liked it, I lied and said "it wasn't bad" and he took that as an indication that I liked it, and bought me the second book in the series. I suffered through that one as well, and then told him, "i'm fine where this story ended. I don't think I need to know what else happens." which got him to stop buying me books. Clearly, this was his favorite series and he's a book pusher.

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