The Catcher in the Rye

Paperback, 208 pages

English language

Published Oct. 9, 1994 by Penguin Books.

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3 stars (48 reviews)

This new edition reproduces, for the first time in Penguin Books, the original American text.

39 editions

Holden Caulfied would be a lone shooter. At best.

2 stars

Last week, I watched a documentary about the elusive author J.D. Salinger. A number of med talked about the reclusive author down to tell them how much they loved his writing, and how much they identified with Holden Caulfield in Catcher In The Rye. One mentioned that when he cornered the author and told him how amazing the book was and how J.D. really SPOKE to him through his writing. The way the interview subject talked, Salinger can upset by this and quite rude.

I thought I'd read Catcher to see what the big deal was, and maybe it wasn't just a book that spoke to lonely alienated boys looking for something to blame. Reading this, however, I feel like I'm paging through the mind of an 8chan incel. Maybe it's not such a big wonder why lone gunmen adore this book.

Holden isn't special, and he's no rebel. Rebels …

Review of 'The Catcher in the Rye' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

For beginners

Short on details, but a good overview for beginners or the curious. Could use more editing for spelling and grammer. Also throwing the 5 original books together without editing out the repetitive parts, doesn't really work. It could be 25% shorter without them. It does have good diagrams for jigs, and other tools. If this whets your appetite splurge for the Traditional Bowyer's Bible series.

Review of 'The Catcher in the Rye' on 'Storygraph'

3 stars

For beginners

Short on details, but a good overview for beginners or the curious. Could use more editing for spelling and grammer. Also throwing the 5 original books together without editing out the repetitive parts, doesn't really work. It could be 25% shorter without them. It does have good diagrams for jigs, and other tools. If this whets your appetite splurge for the Traditional Bowyer's Bible series.

Review of 'Il giovane Holden' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Solitamente mi piace dividere le storie in due categorie: quelle che ruotano attorno ad un'intuizione geniale e quelle che ti coinvolgono in maniera completa. Il giovane Holden ricade completamente nella seconda categoria e ti trascina nel mondo di questo giovane ragazzo. Non vi aspettate morti, colpi di scena, sorprese. Pare quasi che sia un libro da buttare allora? No! E' una storia bellissima, scritta benissimo e che ti lascia più volte con il sorriso sulla faccia.

E' un classico, ma non ha la pesantezza che forse qualche pregiudizio può avergli messo addosso. Lo è perché è bello. Semplice.

Review of 'The Catcher in the Rye' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

On one hand The Catcher In The Rye was an impressive insight of teenage life. I identified with many of those feelings when I was in high school. I remember feeling alone, annoyed all the time and never feeling like doing anything. In this aspect J. D. Salinger was a master at capturing the feelings of my youth. But on the other hand, Holden Caulfield is the most annoying character I’ve ever read; I’ve wanted to punch him in the face so many times. He just infuriated me and I struggled to read this book because of that fact. On the upside there is a scene where Holden is having a conversation with an old school teacher, Mr. Antolini. The teacher told him that one day, he will discover what he is meant to do with his life, and on that day he will wish he paid attention in school. …

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