Lord of Light

Trade Paperback, 296 pages

English language

Published April 4, 2004 by Eos, HarperCollins.

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4 stars (66 reviews)

Earth is long since dead. One a colony planet, a band of men has gained control of technology, made themselves immortal, and now rules their world as the gods of the Hindu pantheon. Only one dares oppose them: he who was once Siddhartha and is now Mahasamatman. Binder of Demons. Lord of Light.

12 editions

Science fantasy orientalista degli anni Sessanta. Referto A

4 stars

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Iniziamo con una confessione: Lord of Light è un romanzo sì denso ma di lunghezza ottimale e di sicuro non occupa, di suo, un mese intero di lettura; mi è durato così tanto perché è il primo romanzo impegnativo cui mi sono dedicato da quando lavoro, e non avendo ancora il polso sui miei cicli di tempo libero l'ho dilazionato parecchio – cosa che sconsiglio caldamente, perché non è un testo episodico e richiede una lettura a ritmi abbastanza serrati.

Questo detto, veniamo al testo: l'ho recuperato come parte della mia monografia sulla grande fantascienza del Dopoguerra, conscio che è anche un capolavoro di science fantasy, e che dire: è capolavoro davvero. Siamo su una colonia umana su un altro pianeta in cui i capi anziani si sono deificati imitando il pantheon indù, per mantenere un comodo monopolio sulle tecnologie antiche e lasciare …

Review of 'Lord of Light' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I'm mixed on this book.

Let's start with the good: this book does, imo, does what a scifi book should do. It placed all kinds of questions in my mind. My favorite sequence is one where Sam, a sham Buddha, leads another person to true enlightenment somewhat unintentionally. This is such an interesting idea! Sam himself is really interesting in all kinds of ways.

The bad for this book is more or less that it contains a bit of the kind of unthinking transphobia which you might expect from the 60s. Given the current climate where people are attacking power stations to disrupt drag shows, I don't think the book can be recommended in spite of this. Another weakness for the book is that it retains a "religious" kind of feel for the prose. I can understand why this decision was made, but it prevented me from ever being truly …

Review of 'Lord of Light' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The years have worn heavily on this gem, yet it remains a gem. It’s been over thirty years since my first reading, which I still recall as influential. Today I find the sexism uncomfortable (though not overbearingly so) and the dei ex machina over the top, but even so I loved it again. The themes are timeless: how can mortals resist the temptations of power? What is the nature of a Buddha suffering from Impostor Syndrome? Are we enough? Religion, snobbery, kindness, respect, imperfection, impossible decisions. When I read it as a teen I had little understanding of these questions; today I’m no closer to answers—except for kindness, which looms large as an approach, if not necessarily answer, to everything—but I’ve now spent much of my life facing those questions and I like how Zelazny addresses them. Consider this as a gift for a YA in your life.

Review of 'Lord of Light' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was a great book; I'm glad I finally got around to reading it. The setting, with it's mix of fantasy, science fiction, mysticism, Hinduism, and Buddhism, is exceptionally clever and well written. The characters and plot are likewise engaging; you really feel like the main character, Sam, is a figure out of legend. I can certainly see why this is an often-cited book among the science fiction community.

For a full review, check out my blog: strakul.blogspot.com/2017/06/book-review-lord-of-light-by-roger.html

Review of 'Lord of Light' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is the novel the film production of which was used by the CIA in the rescue mission told in the 2012 movie Argo. This is why I have read it.

It is very close in structure to [b:Nine Princes in Amber|92121|Nine Princes in Amber (Amber Chronicles, #1)|Roger Zelazny|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1280215055s/92121.jpg|1383240]. An outcast member of a god-like elite strives to take revenge. It is interlaced with mythology in a way I enjoyed a lot. The sci-fi technology borders on fantasy magic but has enough explanation to make it consistent. It is also good as a speculative sci-fi about the morals surrounding the colonization of a new world.

Review of 'Lord of Light' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

For such a slender volume, Lord of Light delivers an impressively epic story. It's simultaneously a great mythic adventure story (on a par with his Amber tales) and a critique of both colonialism and religion. There's a lot going on here, I imagine it would stand up well to repeated readings.

Review of 'Lord of Light' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

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