Nightmares & Dreamscapes

Mass Market Paperback, 692 pages

English language

Published Sept. 22, 1994 by Signet.

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4 stars (33 reviews)

Here are twenty superlative stories devilishly designed by Stephen King to take you where you never dreamed of going before. Included, too, are a telescript that made home screen history, a startling poem, and an essay that Stephen King regards as his best nonfiction writing.

These versatile selections vary widely in style and subject matter and vividly display the full range of Stephen King's matchless imagination. And to add to his readers' pleasure and curiosity, King includes his own entrancing inside accounts of how the stories came into being and why.

Stephen King calls this extraordinary retrospective Nightmares & Dreamscapes. But don't let his title fool you. When you read it, sleep will be the furthest thing from your mind. (back cover)

36 editions

Review of 'Nightmares & Dreamscapes' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Ingliskeelne jutukogu(24 lugu), ei ole eesti keeles ilmunud. Eesti keeles võiks olla midagi stiilis "Õudusunenäod ja unemaastikud". Läheb väljakutsesse osaliselt, kuna siin on nii ulmet kui olmet, üks on lausa sisuliselt ajaleheartikkel. Aga suurem osa on ulme. Ma mõnes kohas natuke spoilerdan, kuna tõmban paralleele teiste teostega. Samas ega lühijuttudest ongi tihtipeale raske rääkida ilma, et sisust midagi ei mainiks.

Tegu on väga raske raamatuga. Nagu tegelikult ka - füüsiliselt on see raskeim raamat, mis mul on, ca 1,2kg, ka muudelt mõõtudelt (kubatuur) suurim.

"Dolan's Cadillac" ("Dolani Cadillac") - olmelugu sellest, kuidas kättemaks on kaua tehtud kaunikene. Ilmus esimest korda aastal 1985 ning natuke meenutas mulle Kingi enda "Dolores Claiborne" raamatut. Eks teatud motiivid muidugi ongi sarnased, on ju cadillaci-lugu pealegi mingis mõttes üsna lihtne ja sirgjooneline "aga raisk ma talle näitan" lugu. Aga teate, King tõesti oskab hästi kirjutada ning see lugu on puhas nauding. Ma ise võtsingi raamatu …

Review of 'Nightmares and Dreamscapes' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I have rated each story 1-4:

1 I would recommend avoid reading this
2 Not great
3 I enjoyed it. I would casually recommend a king or horror fan read this.
4 I would recommend everyone read this.

Dolan's Cadillac [3]

Revenge can take a long time. Fantastic story one of the few I remembered.

The End of the Whole Mess [2] A

A man fails to be his brothers keep – and it costs everything. This story is not stupid, but it almost is.

Suffer the Little Children [3]

A teacher discovers that her children are not quite what she thinks. Children are monsters.

The Night Flier [2]

A newspaper man hunts down a Vampire. Ending is midlling. Soooo much setup.

Popsy [3]

The wrong boy is kidnapped. Nice and punchy.

It Grows on You

A haunted House. Utterly forgettable [2]

Chattery Teeth [3]

A man is highjacked by …

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