Empires of EVE: Volume 2

A History of the Great Wars of EVE Online

448 pages

Published April 9, 2021 by Andrew Groen.

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4 stars (6 reviews)

A direct sequel to the events of the non-fiction space opera Empires of EVE: A History of the Great Wars of EVE Online, Empires of EVE: Volume 2 picks up immediately following the first book's climactic conclusion at the end of EVE Online's 'Great War.'

Volume 2 is the story of the real players who took power in the wake of that climactic conflict and how they dealt with an influx of hundreds of thousands of new recruits as EVE Online entered a golden age.

Based on years of research and interviews with the actual people involved, Empires of EVE: Volume 2 is a book about real video game warfare and the fates of digital societies. It's the story of the next five years of EVE Online history up to the calamitous conclusion of EVE's second age at the infamous $300,000 'Bloodbath at B-R5RB' in 2014.

2 editions

Review of 'Empires of EVE: Volume 2' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Die vier Sterne sind mehr dafür, dass das Buch existiert, als für Qualität. Es fehlt ein Lektorat und es fehlt Kartenmaterial. Ich verfolge EVE seit vielen Jahren und bin einigermaßen vertraut mit vielem, aber ohne Karten ist es noch verwirrender als sowieso schon, dass alle paar Seiten die Red Death League ein neues Bündnis mit der Supertroll Alliance eingeht und sich in Extragalactic Paralegals umbenennt und so weiter. Außerdem vollkommen unkritischer Umgang mit allen rassistischen, nationalistischen Aspekten des Spiels, die werden nur in ein, zwei Nebensätzen kurz gestreift. Aber es ist mein erstes Buch über Game-Geopolitik, ich bin hinreichend begeistert davon, dass es so etwas überhaupt gibt und würde sehr gern mehr und Besseres aus dem Genre lesen.

Review of 'Empires of EVE: Volume 2' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

What is collected here is a testament to how a digital universe can enable people to create stories of a far future world now, and, at the same time, a reminder of how creators of the said digital realm went so wrong in their design after 2013. This is how magical New Eden used to be, and this is the evidence of what that world lost with CCP's marketing decision to transform it from a unique open-world science fiction reality to just another microtransaction-fuelled PVE pastime.

Review of 'Empires of EVE: Volume 2' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

The subject matter of this book is fascinating to me. I'm particularly interested in the complex social dynamics that develop within game worlds. However, this book is in sore need of a professional editor. It's unclear if this is really a collection repurposed blog entries or novice essays. Anywhere from 1/3 to half of this book should have been cut from the published version.

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