Under the never sky

English language

Published April 27, 2012 by HarperCollins.

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4 stars (10 reviews)

"Aria and Perry, two teens from radically different societies--one highly advanced, the other primitive--hate being dependent on one another until they overcome their prejudices and fall in love, knowing they can't stay together"--

8 editions

Review of 'Under the never sky' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I was caught off gaurd with how much I enjoyed this book. I previously read the first two chapters and could not stand to finish it. This time around I decided to give it until chapter five before I tossed it and I was pleasantly surprised with how much I enjoyed it. I don't find Aria super annoying, least not any more and I feel that Peregrine, Roar and Cinder are well developed characters. I am highly invested in their growth as well as Aria's; a pleasant read.

Review of 'Under the never sky' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

"Under the Never Sky" ist so, wie jedes (dystopische SciFi) Jugendbuch sein sollte. Zwar geht es primär um die aufkeimende Liebe zwischen Aria und Peregrine (/Perry), jedoch macht mir das hier nichts aus. Aber dazu später mehr.
Die Figuren sind sehr gut ausgearbeitet und der Schreibstil ist wundervoll. Zwar bin ich nicht wirklich ein Freund von wechselnder Fokalisierung, aber diesmal wäre es wohl anders nicht bzw. nur schwer möglich gewesen und somit ist es ganz okay. Das Englisch ist hier aber wirklich nur etwas für Fortgeschrittene, Anfänger sollten da lieber zunächst andere Bücher lesen.
Die Welt, in der die Figuren leben ist grausam. Egal, ob sie in den gesicherten Bereichen leben oder in der Wildnis. Rossi vergeudet am Anfang auch keine Seiten damit, ellenlang zu berichten, wie diese Welt genau zu dem geworden ist, was sie ist. So ensteht viel Spannung und der Leser möchte mehr erfahren. Man nimmt die …

Review of 'Under the Never Sky' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

A bit of a slow start for me, but I ended up liking it before I finished.

Aria has spent her entire life in the safety of the domes. Exiled and cast into the outside world, she fights to survive. Perry is an Outsider, and has lived his entire life with his tribe outside the domes. They work together on their quests to get their lives back and discover who they really are along the way. (end of my generic book blurb)

Here's what was missing for me. Rossi creates a dystopian world and drops you into it with no real backstory, no true world building, and no explanations. I almost gave up on the book a few times because of it. I kept thinking she would explain by the end, but she didn't. I'm not expecting a perfectly drawn world ala JK Rowling, but I do want to understand …

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  • JUVENILE FICTION / Science Fiction
  • Science fiction
  • JUVENILE FICTION / Love & Romance