三体 II


Paperback, 470 pages

Chinese language

Published by 重庆出版社.

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4 stars (64 reviews)

"With the scope of Dune and the rousing action of Independence Day, this near-future trilogy is the first chance for English-speaking readers to experience this multiple-award-winning phenomenon from China's most beloved science fiction author. In Dark Forest, Earth is reeling from the revelation of a coming alien invasion--in just four centuries' time. The aliens' human collaborators may have been defeated, but the presence of the sophons, the subatomic particles that allow Trisolaris instant access to all human information, means that Earth's defense plans are totally exposed to the enemy. Only the human mind remains a secret. This is the motivation for the Wallfacer Project, a daring plan that grants four men enormous resources to design secret strategies, hidden through deceit and misdirection from Earth and Trisolaris alike. Three of the Wallfacers are influential statesmen and scientists, but the fourth is a total unknown. Luo Ji, an unambitious Chinese astronomer and …

9 editions

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu (Three-Body Trilogy, #2)

Goodreads Review of the Dark Forest

5 stars

This is an epic novel in the best sense of the term. Its predecessor, the Three-Body Problem, was also a “big novel,” but it feels small in comparison. While the first volume feels akin to looking out at sea and seeing amorphous shapes under the sea, the Dark Forest plunges you into the depths of ocean. You feel like you’re miles under, but no closer to touching the bottom.

I came to love the characters of this story, especially Lao Ji and (more than anyone) Da Shi.

Liu Cixin does fall back on clichés, and a few characters (especially in relation to Lao Ji) feels like little more than devices. The book certainly couldn’t pass that gender equality test (unlike the predecessor novel, which felt quite progressive in these terms). Still, the characters that Liu devotes serious attention to tend to be loveable. They might be a little flat at …

reviewed Temný les by Cixin Liu (Vzpomínka na zemi, #2)

Moc technické, moc "velkolepé"

1 star

Druhý díl sci-fi série Vzpomínka na Zemi. První díl (Problém tří těles) mě nadchl, to mě bavilo moc. A ačkoli jsem Temný les začala číst hned potom, už od začátku jsem se ztrácela, vůbec jsem nevěděla, kde / kdy / jak navazujeme, všichni lidi se mi pletli. Bylo to za mě mnohem víc technické než první díl, bylo tam taky mnohem víc dějových linek (nebo mi to tak jen přišlo?). Nevím, mrzí mě to, ale asi zůstanu jen u Problému tří těles.

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu (Three-Body Trilogy, #2)

Evokes golden age Sci-Fi in some good & a few problematic ways

3 stars

I read this novel by accident. I looked it up after hearing about the dark forest hypothesis and I somehow missed the fact that this is the second book in a trilogy. I read the Three-Body Problem few years ago but didn't particularly like it. I found the same faults repeated in this novel too.

This book reads like a story from the science fiction's golden age: it has an interesting sci-fi concept at it's core, and it logically extrapolates from there. Cixin Liu does a really good job at this; at times it feels like Asimov's Foundation. Unlike the previous book, this one takes the plot into the farther future, and Liu gets to flex his creative muscle. The depiction of future cities and spaceships is well thought out and realistic. As a whole this book felt like reading through a game of chess.

Which leads me to the …

Continuación de El problema de los tres cuerpos

3 stars

La historia parece centrarse en ésta ocasión en los vallados, tres hombres con plena libertad para planificar la defensa de la tierra ante la futura llegada de los extraterrestres invasores, que ocurrirá dentro de 400 años. el comienzo me está gustando, cuando lo termine actualizaré la reseña.

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu (Three-Body Trilogy, #2)

My review of The Dark Forest

5 stars

I enjoyed the blending of science and philosophy throughout the story. The descriptions of the technology and the moral/ethical implications around it's use really blew me away. If you're in any way into Asimov, Lem and the like, I highly recommend the whole 3 body trilogy (The Three Body Problem, The Dark Forest & Death's End).

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu (Three-Body Trilogy, #2)

"I guess I have to read the whole story now"

3 stars

That was my first thought after finishing the first novel in the trilogy. This second book didn't change that much in my thinking. It's still okay, I liked some aspects, such as the whole 'Wallfacer' idea, but it still had a few very weird subplots, that just seem so out of place. The whole romantic subplot made me cringe, it reminded me of mail order brides. The feelings, decisions and personality of the woman in question are unimportant. Maybe that's a cultural thing but there were so many pages about this whole thing and it's just weird.

The whole idea of the dark forest is interesting, the droplet was also a good part. I wish he put more time into the characters and the story, not just into the science. That's the thing, I remember most of the science, but the characters are all very much replaceable.

In the end, …

reviewed El bosque oscuro by Cixin Liu (Recuerdo del pasado de la Tierra, #2)

Review of 'El bosque oscuro' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Veamos... el primer volumen de la trilogía consiguió intrigarme hasta el final. Aún así, con el revuelo que había levantado, me pareció más bien flojo. Este segundo tiene casi todos los vicios de los títulos que me hicieron abandonar la lectura de ciencia ficción durante años. ¿Completaré la trilogía, aunque sea por amortizar el tiempo invertido y ver si hay algo detrás del hype...? Me lo voy pensando

reviewed The Dark Forest by Cixin Liu (Three-Body Trilogy, #2)

Review of 'The Dark Forest' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This was an excellent novel and a must-read for fans of classic science fiction. I was reminded of several of Arthur C. Clarke's novels and even of Sphere by Michael Crichton. The plot was a little slow at the beginning, particularly in comparison with The Three Body Problem. However, this does pick up and by the end it is rushing ahead getting cooler and cooler with each turn of the (digital) page. The characters are also pretty neat and provide a personal touch across the large timespan covered in the story. I eagerly await the translation of the third and final installment of this series.

For a full review, check out my blog: strakul.blogspot.cl/2015/09/book-review-dark-forest-by-cixin-liu.html

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