Anime nel futuro

419 pages

Italian language

Published March 23, 2007 by Fannucci.

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3 stars (23 reviews)

Alan, prodotto di un matrimonio misto (suo padre è una montagna, sua madre una lavatrice), sa benissimo cosa significhi essere un emarginato, e tenta disperatamente di comportarsi come un essere umano. Aderisce a un complotto anarchico, accetta di proteggere i suoi fratelli minori (un gruppo di bambole matrioska) dal fratello morto tornato in vita. La vita si complica ancor di più quando Alan si innamora della ragazza dalla porta accanto, tentando di dissuaderla dall'idea di tagliarsi periodicamente le ali per sembrare normale.

8 editions

Review of 'Someone comes to town, someone leaves town' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I'd give this 2.5 stars if I could because I'm torn. This was definitely an interesting book, but I don't think it was a good book.

There's a few different things going on in this book, none of which I really understood as well as I feel like I should have. The absurdity had no purpose sometimes and I'm not sure what the point of this story was.

I like Cory Doctorow, but I wouldn't recommend this one.

Review of 'Someone comes to town, someone leaves town' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

short review in ukrainian:
як на мене, найцікавіший твір докторова з усього прочитаного. навіть не намагатимусь переказати фабулу, це треба читати. мікс романтичної драми та детектива з елементами містичного хорору — мабуть, ось так можна було б визначити жанр, але самі ці слова ні про що не скажуть, текст треба читати. твір не ідеальний, деякі фрагменти та ідеї мені видалися… м’яко кажучи, недостатньо опрацьованими — але часом мені видавалося, що така «шерехуватість» оповідки може навіть додає щось таке, чого в ідеальному тексті забракло б… читати обов’язково, в будь-якім випадку =)

текст також доступний навільно в різних форматах.

Review of 'Someone comes to town, someone leaves town' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

Hmm, Cory seems to be suffering from diminishing returns. I loved "Down and Out..."; "Eastern Standard Tribe" was pretty good; but this novel kinda blew. I just never got around to caring about either of the two plot threads - the struggle to bring free wi-fi to the citizens of Toronto and the attempt to reconcile flaws of the main character's disfunctionally supernatural family. That said, the writing is good, and Cory excels as usual in his ability to paint cool pictures.

Review of 'Someone comes to town, someone leaves town' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Oy. Is it a bad sign that I was most interested in the proselytizing portion of our program? The stuff with our hero's family was just too disjointed for me. Which is a shame, because I really like [a:Cory Doctorow|12581|Cory Doctorow|] and loved [b:Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom|29587|Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom|Cory Doctorow||1413], so I really wanted to like this book. I'm just not the reader for it.

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