jzj195's books

To Read Public 19 books (showing 1-15)

Cover Title Author
Cuttlefish That Loves Diving (Ai Qianshui de Wuzei): Lord of the Mysteries (2021, Webnovel, Kindle Edition)Lord of the Mysteries
Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: The Communist Manifesto (2002, Penguin Books)The Communist Manifesto,
Stephen R. Covey: The  7 habits of highly effective people (2004, Free Press)The 7 habits of highly effective people
Karl Marx: Das Kapital (1996)Das Kapital
Slavoj Žižek: The Sublime Object of Ideology (1989)The Sublime Object of Ideology
Marco Aurelio: Meditations (2006, Penguin Classics)Meditations
Plato, Πλάτων: The Republic (2003, Penguin Books)The Republic,
Stephen Briggs: Terry Pratchett's Guards! guards! (1996, Corgi Books)Terry Pratchett's Guards! guards!
Steven Erikson: Gardens of the Moon (Paperback, 2008, Bantam)Gardens of the Moon
Glen Cook: The Best of Glen Cook (Hardcover, Night Shade)The Best of Glen Cook
China Miéville: Perdido Street Station (2003, Del Rey/Ballantine Books)Perdido Street Station
Hélène Greven: Margaret Atwood, "The handmaid's tale" (1999)Margaret Atwood, "The handmaid's tale"
No cover

Max Borges, Fleming H. Fleming H. Revell Company, Augustin Crampon, Noah Webster, God, William Tyndale, Saint Jerome, Nainoia Nainoia Inc, Door43 World Door43 World Missions Community, Joseph Rotherham, Anonymous Anonymous Updater, Sixtus Sixtus V, Jewish Publication Jewish Publication Society, Nainoia Nainoia Inc, Pierre Hautin, Clement Clement VIII, Nainoia Inc, Pierre Giguet, Synod of Synod of Dordrecht, King James King James Authorized Committee, British Translation British Translation Committee, Italian Catholic Italian Catholic Church, Ronald Conte, João Almeida: Holy Bible Aionian Edition (2020, Independently Published)

Holy Bible Aionian Edition, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
Aldous Huxley: Brave New World (Paperback, 1998, HarperPerennial)Brave New World
J.R.R. Tolkien: The Children of Húrin (2007, HarperCollins Publishers)The Children of Húrin