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Frank Herbert: Dune (Hardcover, 2019, Ace) 4 stars

Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, …

Review of 'Dune' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Muad'dib, Lisan al Gaib, Kwisatz Haderach, Prophet. Paul Atreides has many names and I have just as much love for this book.

I was a little afraid to plunge into the world of Frank Herbert's Dune because many warned about the complex worldbuilding. However, after seeing Denis Villeneuve's extraordinary film last year, it was easy for me to immerse myself in this story.

The way the inner monologues were woven into the dialogue sequences is fantastic.

All in all, a terrific political sci-fi epic that feels bigger than almost any other book in its impact on the underlying world.

Review of 'No Longer Human' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

It was interesting to say the least. A little to misogynistic for my liking (lol).
Dazai's protagonist was full of spite and dreadfulness, which is to be expected if you experience such trauma, mental illness and other personality shifting circumstances. Nonetheless, it was far from pleasant to read and I would not recommend this book if you yourself struggle with depression.

N. Hornby: A Long Way Down (Paperback, 2010, Penguin Books) 4 stars

Review of 'A Long Way Down' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

"A Long Way Down" is absurd. It's about four people trying to kill themselves on New Year's Eve on top of the same building. Despite its premise it is unexpectedly comedic and life-affirming. Nick Hornby did a phenomenal job breathing life into each character due to his writing, since the story is told through the four protagonists perspective.

This book stumbled into my life rather randomly and I had my difficulties getting into it, but in the end I enjoyed it very, very much.

Hendrik Bolz: Nullerjahre (Hardcover, Deutsch language, 2022, Kiepenheuer&Witsch) 4 stars

Vom Austeilen und Auf-die-Fresse-Kriegen: eine Nachwendejugend in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern.

Hendrik Bolz, geboren 1988, ist in Stralsund …

Review of 'Nullerjahre' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Testo beschreibt in "Nullerjahre" eine ganz spezifische Zeitspanne um die Jahrtausendwende, die gerade in Ostdeutschland geprägt war von Gewalt, Drogen und rechtem Gedankengut.

In diesem halb autobiographischen, halb fiktiven Werk umschreibt er viele Situation seiner Kindheit und Jugend und ordnet diese immer wieder in den zeitlichen Kontext ein. Dabei spielen Gewalt und Drogenmissbrauch die großen Hauptrollen.

So konnte ich noch einiges über mein Heimatbundesland lernen.
Denn 10 Jahre später sah das in der mecklenburgischen Provinz schon wieder ganz anders aus. Ich musste keine Angst haben von halbstarken Glatzen auf jedem Spielplatz der Stadt auf die Fresse zu kriegen.

Bolz Lieblingsstilmittel ist definitv die dreifache-Wiederholung. Das macht die ganze Nummer teilweise eintönig und langwierig. Auch an endlosen Beschreibungen von Gewaltexzessen und Drogenräuschen hat man sich relativ schnell sattgelesen. Trotzdem ist Nullerjahre ein gutes und auch wichtiges Buch.

TJ Klune, T. J. Klune: Under the Whispering Door (Hardcover, 2021, Tor Books) 4 stars

Welcome to Charon's Crossing. The tea is hot, the scones are fresh, and the dead …

Review of 'Under the Whispering Door' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Under the Whispering Door surely is a good book...but it's House in the Cerulean Sea again. It's as beautifully and humorously written as the latter but rehashes the main character and the ending - only this time it is not as believable.

Would've given more stars, if this was my first Klune.

Jan Gorkow: Niemals satt (Paperback, German language, 2022, KiWi-Paperback) 5 stars

»Ich wiege 120 Kilo und fühle mich wie ein Schmetterling.«

In den turbulenten Jahren, in …

Review of 'Niemals satt' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

"Feine Sahne Fischfilet" ist eine meiner absoluten Lieblingsbands und so war auch Monchi schon immer eine Identifikationsfigur für mich. Leider aber auch eine große Projektionsfläche, wie er in "Niemals Satt" hervorragend aufschlüsselt.
Dieses Buch hat mir den Menschen Jan Gorkow sehr viel näher gebracht. Er ist eben nicht nur der Zecken-Punker aus Vorpommern, der alles in schwarz oder weiß, böse oder gut, links oder rechts aufteilt, sondern so viel mehr. Ich habe einen riesen Respekt für diesen Mann und seine Reise.
Selten habe ich mich so gut in einer Geschichte wiedergefunden. Ich konnte eine Menge Motivation und Hoffnung aus diesem Werk schöpfen und hoffe das geht vielen ähnlich.

Fahrenheit 451 is a 1953 dystopian novel by American writer Ray Bradbury. Often regarded as …

Review of 'Fahrenheit 451' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

And with that, I finished the Holy Trinity of sci-fi dsytopias.

Fahrenheit 451 is a wartime novel in which reading is classified as an anti-state activity. The fire department does not extinguish fires, but sets them to burn down entire houses in which even one book could be found. In this vision of the future, individualism and critical thinking stand in the way of the happiness of the whole, which is why any form of entertainment is boiled down to brain cell-killing mush.
And once again, a girl is the turning point for our protagonist to realize what is wrong with today's people and for him to revolt against the machine.
Unfortunately, the story seemed very rushed in places, which made it hard for me to empathize with what was happening.

Susanna Clarke: Piranesi (Paperback, 2021, Bloomsbury Publishing) 4 stars

From the New York Times bestselling author of Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, an …

Review of 'Piranesi' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I am a little ambivalent. On the one hand, the book hardly let me stop at some points, at others I felt incredibly bored. The description of endless halls and vestibules with the same names over and over again may have been interesting and fascinating the first time, but becomes very monotonous after a handful of pages.
The story is told through journal entries. However, our narrator is deliberately unreliable, which can be incredibly confusing for the reader here and there.
The looming twist also felt kind of disappointing in the end, as I thought the whole thing was grander in the whole scheme of things.
Nonetheless, Piranesi kept me entertained for long stretches, and if you want to dig deeper, you'll certainly find plenty of metaphors of great significance. Indeed, the book is very beautifully written!

Hanya Yanagihara: Ein wenig Leben (German language, 2016, Hanser Berlin) 4 stars

"Ein wenig Leben" handelt von der lebenslangen Freundschaft zwischen vier Männern in New York, die …

Review of 'Ein wenig Leben' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Emotional damage.

Addendum: It is brilliant! Because of the time span this book covers, it almost feels like an epic fantasy. It's definitely a long read, but I actually didn't feel bored at any point. It made me feel things - not sadness, tbh, but pain, guilt, hate and anger. The book slaps the abysses of humanity right in your face. "A Little Life" is at the same time both exaggerated and realistic.
I may read it again in the future to understand how all the clues are woven into the story. Despite loving this book very much, I won't be able to recommend it unreservedly to friends and family. At least not without the list of trigger warnings.