Jakers reviewed The End of All Things by John Scalzi (Old Man’s War #6)
Almost a perfect send-off...
5 stars
Content warning Plot spoilers about some of the things I wished had been answered
OK, I loved it. It opens with probably the best POV/sequence in the series as we meet Rafe (and I won't say anything more there) and follow him up until his escape. Afterward, we get to see the action of the last 3 books finally culminate in a nice diplomatic conclusion for all involved parties...but we still get left with some questions. Maybe they're questions that don't need to be answered, but I had a lot of questions about what the Consu were doing and why that never seemed to culminate.
And that's honestly fine, it's just a place I expected to see them show up and they didn't...but the Consu are nothing if not unpredictable in the universe, and their culture is so dogmatic as to be unknowable, it makes sense. That's about the only thing I really would have changed though: I would have liked for the Consu to have figured into the ending in a more direct way.
Still, this series has been one of the funniest, fastest reads I've had this year. It's a solid recommend from me for the entire set.