The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires

hardcover, 408 pages

Published April 6, 2020 by Quirk Books.

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4 stars (22 reviews)

Steel Magnolias meets Dracula in this '90s-set horror novel about a women's book club that must do battle with a mysterious newcomer to their small Southern town, perfect for murderinos and fans of Stephen King.

Patricia Campbell’s life has never felt smaller. Her husband is a workaholic, her teenage kids have their own lives, her senile mother-in-law needs constant care, and she’s always a step behind on her endless to-do list. The only thing keeping her sane is her book club, a close-knit group of Charleston women united by their love of true crime. At these meetings they’re as likely to talk about the Manson family as they are about their own families.

One evening after book club, Patricia is viciously attacked by an elderly neighbor, bringing the neighbor's handsome nephew, James Harris, into her life. James is well traveled and well read, and he makes Patricia feel things she …

4 editions

The characters are great, and even the vampire has his moments, but otherwise the men are duds

4 stars

I resumed reading and actually managed to finish this book, which considering I'm not really into vampire stories or horror in general (I like Stephen King's writing but can't manage to get through one of this long long books), is a testament. What really moves it along are the characters portrayed humorously and sympathetically, singly and together, in a bit of a Desperate Housewives manner (with completely unreliable and cardboard character men as the counterparts) except when it gets really gross and violent, so I was in danger of stopping again close to the end, but I powered through to the somewhat satisfying and a little bit open-ended conclusion (I wouldn't be surprised if the author had visions of a Netflix series dancing in his head - Desperate Vampire-Killing Housewives?)

Review of "Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Just what I expected: an exciting page-turner with an important message and lots of gore. Splendid!

The plot is a whirlwind of violence and girl power (and a tiny bit too predictable to warrant a better rating). Most of the characters in this book are nuanced enough to make them credible - I suffered with the protagonist when bad things happened, and cheered her on when things went well.

I was surprised at how much gore and violence (including sexualized violence) were part of the story. Besides the obvious vampire, the characters are held back almost as much by sexism and racism - an important lesson for all of us, even when we're not suburban housewives in 1990s South Carolina.

I'm not sure all of the characters would have been needed, and one or two events /plot devices maybe weren't strictly necessary - Miss Mary, the real estate project, several …

Review of "The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Honestly, I was hesitant to pick up a book about stay at home moms. The slaying Dracula bit got me in, and i'm glad it did. This was a wild ride and one of my new favorites.

The story was tense, definitely a nail-biter. The horror was well executed; Hendrix vividly describes gore in a way that isn't played out. Nothing felt edgy or grimdark, the writing kept everything uneasy but believable.

Reviewers are divided on the characters, but I liked them. Maybe not as people that I want to hang out with, but realistic characters - women i've met growing up in Appalachia. Throwing them into such an insane situation was a phenomenal idea and added a lot of depth.

Sorry if my review is terse, i'm still a bit shook from the read!

Review of "The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Okay. I really liked this book. The only reason I didn't give it 5 stars is because it squicked me out in a couple of places where the descriptions were very explicit. Not saying they weren't well done, because they were, they were just a little intense body-horror-wise which is not my jam. BUT, I enjoyed it much much more than I didn't and it makes me want to read more Grady Hendrix.

As an entry in the Vampire Canon... I find it interesting. It definitely breaks some new ground, as far as lore and biology are concerned, but I thought that the vampire was more akin to a Xenomorph in human skin than an old school vamp. Which is RAD! But it didn't feel like a true vampire story to me for that reason.

Also the title is misleading, because it's not much of a guide. I was expecting …

Prämisse: feministisch; Tatsächliche Story: Misogyn, rapey und repetitiv

1 star

Die Prämisse war so nice: Hausfrauen als übersehene Protagonist:innen von Vampirgeschichten ebenso wie generell, deren Widerstandskraft und Ressourcenreichtum in der Literatur wie Gesellschaft nicht gewürdigt wird. Das endlich mal sichtbar zu machen wäre eine saugute Ausgangslage für ein Buch - und mit diesem Claim wurde es auch beworben.

Leider war es das schon an feministischem oder sonstwie politischem Potential, denn das Buch hält nicht was es verspricht. Was serviert wird ist beleidigend: Die Story hat so viele Anschlussfehler das es schmerzt, sie wiederholt sich quasi drei Mal, das Pacing ist sloooow..., die Charaktere platt und eigentlich geht doch wieder alles nur um einen Typen, dessen Sadismus und ein bisschen um ein paar Hausfrauen aus der Oberschicht (und eine einzige arme, Schwarze Mutter, gnarf).

Statt Tropes auf den Kopf zu stellen und den immergleichen Vampirgeschichten einen neuen Spin zu geben bekommen wir frauenfeindliche Tropes, Vergewaltigungen und anderer sexualisierte oder sexuell aufgeladene …

Review of "The Southern Book Club's Guide to Slaying Vampires" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I thought this would be fun but it touched on a lot of serious topics (gaslighting, domestic abuse, sexual assault, racism, sexism) as well as being quite gory. Not quite sure it's what I felt like reading right now but the audiobook helped, and I don't want to down-rate it just because it was something other than what I expected.

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