Why We Sleep

Unlocking the Power of Sleep and Dreams


English language

Published May 11, 2017 by Scribner.

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5 stars (36 reviews)

Neuroscientist and sleep expert Matthew Walker provides a revolutionary exploration of sleep, examining how it affects every aspect of our physical and mental well-being. Charting the most cutting-edge scientific breakthroughs, and marshalling his decades of research and clinical practice, Walker explains how we can harness sleep to improve learning, mood and energy levels, regulate hormones, prevent cancer, Alzheimer's and diabetes, slow the effects of aging, and increase longevity. He also provides actionable steps towards getting a better night's sleep every night.

2 editions

Review of 'Why We Sleep' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I used to pull an all-nighter all the time: studying, working, etc. And then I always wondered why I didn't have the energy throughout the day to accomplish anything. And then I felt sick (very sick that I was hospitalised). The event changed my perspective on caring more about my own body. The first lesson I learned was to regulate my sleep routine (followed some advice from this book and related podcasts also by Matthew Walker). I determined to sleep at least 7 hours a day, and an additional nap at noon if possible. I've been going to sleep and waking up at the same time every day (there are some unavoidable exceptions but they are minors). I limit my phone and tablet usage before bedtime and read physical books as much as possible. After one to two years, I generally feel better. Farewell lack of energy in the morning …

Review of 'Why We Sleep' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The politically incorrect advice I would (of course never) give is this: go to the pub for a drink
in the morning.

This books is a revelation. It describes in a vivid way what happens when we don't get enough sleep(it's worse than I imagined in my wildest dreams). Lack of sleep disrupts learning, memoryformation, compromises immune system and contributes to various ailments. It even diminishesvaccination efficacy which should have been something that I would have been useful for vaccinationplanning for Covid-19 I would hope. And it does not take much to reach the "lack of sleep" stage.We as human society have completely self-sabotaged our ability to sleep properly. Lighting(especially LED), early morning work and school schedules, keeping our bedrooms too warm andmore...I will note that while Mr. Walker does often point out unfinished or unclear science it's not alwaysclear. Certainly take some things with a grain of salt and …

Review of 'Why We Sleep' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

After a while it dragged a bit and I lost concentration, it then I sleep as soon as my head meets the pillow, so all those tips in there were hardly consequential for me anyway. I actually expected a bit more science and a bit less self help (which isn't supposed to mean there is no science in there. It's very fact-based.)

I liked the suggestions toward the end, and with the current home office situation, we are in the ideal situation to try some of them. Now someone convince my boss, please.

Review of 'Why We Sleep' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This book is revelatory.

Walker presents a thoroughly-researched paean to sleep and its numerous benefits. He also makes an equally strong case for the risks and costs of skimping, lays out how chemically-induced unconsciousness from sleeping pills is different and distinct from natural sleep, and provides helpful advice for getting more and better slumber.

As an introvert, I've long been in the habit of occasionally staying up late to have some time to myself after an interaction-intensive day. I am now convinced that is neither an effective way to meet that need, as the lack of sleep contributes more to irritability and lack of patience than does the over-socialization that caused it originally, nor a good decision for my own health, given the spike in heart diseases, cancers, etc. that occur in the underslept population.

I'd recommend this to anybody with even passing interest in the topic. And I might …

Review of 'Why We Sleep' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Edit: Recently, I came across an article quite critical of the facts presented in this book, which came as a shock to me. Here's the link to the article - Why We Sleep is riddled with scientific and factual errors . While this severely damages the reputation of the book, my stance remains unchanged - that sleep is of utmost importance in our lives and we really do need to give it prominence.


Original Review:

An exceptional book that is also a cautionary tale for our society. In our productivity-obsessed twenty-first century, sleep usually takes the backseat in our race to get more done with our limited time. I myself have been guilty of that, on multiple occasions - trying to fit all the things that I want to do in a day and consequently ignoring this wonderful remedy to all my problems. We have idolized people who seem …

Review of 'Why We Sleep' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Well, I've read a lot of health related books. I follow a fair number of health podcasts. I've heard a lot about what nasty effects alcohol inflicts upon the body. None of it made me change my mind and stop having a drink at night to relax. This book ended that without question for the foreseeable future. I won't spoil the riveting plot of this tale, but suffice it to say that my assumption that learning just becomes harder as you age might be a mistake or a partial explanation. I've only been drinking alcohol for the past 5ish years and it strongly correlates with my slowdown. Anyways... great book, and there's much more than I've talked about in it. Sleep is King.

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  • Sleep
  • Dreams
  • Sleep, psychological aspects
