Titus Groan

, #1

438 pages

English language

Published July 10, 1991

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4 stars (33 reviews)

As the first novel opens, Titus, heir to Lord Sepulchrave, has just been born: he stands to inherit the miles of rambling stone and mortar that stand for Gormenghast Castle. Inside, all events are predetermined by a complex ritual, lost in history, understood only by Sourdust, Lord of the Library. There are tears and strange laughter; fierce births and deaths beneath umbrageous ceilings; dreams and violence and disenchantment contained within a labyrinth of stone.

4 editions

Review of 'Titus Groan'

3 stars

Low fantasy novel full of descriptive scenes set in a sprawling, dripping, ancient castle complex, Gormenghast. Full of idiosyncratic characters, with their own patterns of speech, mannerisms and roles to play in the complex ritual existence of the castle and the Groan lineage, the story is a labourous study in pure conservatism in its strictest meaning. While the concept is sound, the whole exercise in describing the minute changes cascading through the book didn't do that much for me. There's no real conclusion to the book (although it's the first in a trilogy) and I get that it's part of the ideas about stand-still, but this makes it of limited interest to a wider audience.

At the back of their personal troubles, hopes and fears, this less immediate trepidation grew, this intangible suggestion of change, that most unforgivable of all heresies.

reviewed Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake (Gormenghast, #1)

Review of 'Titus Groan (Gormenghast, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The descriptions that this book would be unlike any fantasy book I had read were true. A compelling askew world with characters just as odd living surreal lives. So much seems normal but it all fits together in the weirdest way. There is fantasy here, just not what you are probably used to reading.

reviewed Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake (Gormenghast, #1)

Review of 'Titus Groan (Gormenghast, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

"Titus Groan" by Mervyn Peake is unlike any book I have read. Its prose is unique, its story and characters are compelling, and it is a truly sui generis creation that does not quite fit neatly into any particular genre.

Peake was an illustrator and the prose is the closest something I read has come to painting or drawing. His command of vocabulary is unmatched and used with great affect. And it is not just the words but the sounds. In fact, the prose almost feels like notes in a symphony. I would definitely recommend while reading to take interesting passages and read them aloud for an additional experience.

What a world he creates in this first novel. It concerns the comings and goings of the denizens of a crumbling castle called Gormenghast, the seat of the Earl of Groan. But calling Gormenghast a castle is not accurate. Peake was …

reviewed Titus Groan by Mervyn Peake (Gormenghast, #1)

Review of 'Titus Groan (Gormenghast, #1)' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Original, without a doubt. I felt the pull and the strength of the spell, but never managed to become fully immersed somehow. I may continue the series just to see what else emerged from Peake's deep imagination, even though it's on a slightly different wavelength than mine.

Review of "Titus d'Enfer" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Je suis consternée. Je ne sais pas quoi dire de ce livre qu’Isil m’a donné envie de lire avec son billet. J’ai acheté les 2 autres volumes et je compte les lire. Pourtant, je ne me suis pas pâmée à la lecture de ce délicieux délire. Je suis d’accord avec tout ce que dit Isil, et tout est pour me plaire dans ce roman.

Les personnages fabuleusement décrits, décortiqués, les relations entre eux, complexes, sont savamment étudiées. L’ambiance est glauquissime malgré l’humour omniprésent, humour très british, décalé et absurde. Que l’auteur ait aussi été illustrateur et caricaturiste explique l’aspect très visuel de son écriture, il en dit beaucoup en peu de mots, forçant le trait mais sans jamais en faire trop non plus. Le château de Gormenghast est le sujet le plus travaillé, personnage central de l’histoire, il abrite les protagonistes, plus ou moins en phase avec cet univers cadré, …

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