Tell The Wolves I'm Home

a novel

360 pages

English language

Published July 9, 2012 by Dial Press.

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4 stars (23 reviews)

It is 1987, and only one person has ever truly understood fourteen-year-old June Elbus -- her uncle, the renowned painter Finn Weiss. Shy at school and distant from her older sister, June can only be herself in Finn's company; he is her godfather, confidant, and best friend. So when he dies, far too young, of a mysterious illness her mother can barely speak about, June's world is turned upside down. But Finn's death brings a surprise acquaintance into June's life -- someone who will help her to heal, and to question what she thinks she knows about Finn, her family, and even her own heart.

8 editions

Review of "Tell the wolves I'm home" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Ich habe sehr gemischte Gefühle über dieses Buch. Spoilerwarnung hier, ich rede auch über das Ende.

Zum einen finde ich es wirklich toll, dass hier ein Teenagermädchen, June, eine enge vertrauensvolle Beziehung zuerst zu ihrem schwulen Onkel Finn hat, dann nach dessen Tod durch AIDS eine ebenso enge Beziehung zu seinem Lover Toby, und Trauer und Tod ein so großes Thema sind im Buch. Später stellt sich heraus, dass June durchaus romantische Gefühle für Finn hegte und umgehen muss mit der Scham und Verlegenheit, die das in ihr hervorruft. Es gibt immer sehr viel Panik um Teenagerliebe für erwachsene Menschen, aber innerhalb der Beziehung Finn-June ist zumindest ein sicherer Rahmen geschaffen, in dem June diese Gefühle empfinden kann, ohne ausgenutzt zu werden. Das ist der Autorin gut gelungen.

Dann zeigt sich June auch mehrmals abgestoßen von Sex oder zumindest stark desinteressiert; Vermutungen kommen auf, ob sie aus Gründen sich in …

Review of "Tell the wolves I'm home" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

My heart is hurting over this book. I need a tissue. And a hug.

This book hit all of the right notes with me. Coming of age story with a quirky, misfit heroine. Dysfunctional family dynamics that seem true-to-life. Love. Introspection. Grief. What can I say? I like a few tears in my books (sometimes).

Set way back in ye old 1987 (gads, I was in high school, folks. This isn't historical fiction!), AIDS was a scandalous, secret "gays only" disease. Times were different then. June loved her uncle, and after he dies she finds out she only knew parts of him. Walk with June as she tries to discover who he really was, who she really is, and bring some tissues, because you will need them. Unless you are a robot, then you will be fine.

Loved it. 4 stars. Going to hug my kids now.

Review of "Tell the wolves I'm home" on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Then I had this thought: What if it was enough to realize that you would die someday, that none of this would go on forever? Would that be enough?

You can't judge a book by its cover but I saw "Tell the Wolves I'm Home" on a list that had other books I enjoyed I noticed the awesome and thought I would give it a try. This isn't typically the kind of book I would read but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the book.

This was a really strong story dealing with a lot of heavy subject matter set in the late 80's when there was a a lot of speculation and quick judgement about AIDS, especially against those who had it. I have no siblings or similar relationship with an extended member that I could relate to, but I imagine if you had either of those things this …

Review of "Tell The Wolves I'm Home" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Slow and small in wonderful ways. Documents all of the unique embarrassments of adolescence and the revelations that follow loss. June, the narrator, irked me for a while, but I thinks that is by design. She's a feasible 14-year-old, complete with her quick judgments of others and deep, blinding loyalty to her Uncle Finn. But while sometimes the adult reader can see what she doesn't (about AIDS, art, her parents, etc.), June redeems herself with an eye for the subtle disappointments and pleasures of living that adults may no longer notice.

Review of "Tell The Wolves I'm Home" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Okay just look at the cover doesn't it say "what do bears, teapots, and a silhouette of a girl have to do with wolves?" It is fascinating how things that have never been connected before will be forever in my mind. The year 1987, New York, dancing bears, teapots, South Pacific , Mozart's Requiem , art, beauty, life, guitar picks, Middle ages, blue velvet chairs, wolves, gold paint, dark basements holding secret paintings.
This poignant story is brilliantly written and touches a topic that is not touched upon often. I loved the idea that we may not know what we mean to others or what they mean to us. It is a book that has a heart in it that is hard, jealous and frozen in the beginning. By the end it is soft and has truly loved.

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  • Loss (Psychology)
  • AIDS (Disease)
  • Teenage girls
  • Uncles
  • Friendship
  • Fiction
