Half of a Yellow Sun

Paperback, 433 pages

English language

Published July 9, 2014 by Fourth Estate.

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4 stars (53 reviews)

Winner of the Orange Broadband Prize for Fiction 2007, this is a heartbreaking, exquisitely written literary masterpiece. Now a major film starring Thandie Newton and Chiwetel Ejiofor, due for release in 2014. In 1960s Nigeria, Ugwu, a boy from a poor village, goes to work for Odenigbo, a radical university professor. Soon they are joined by Olanna, a young woman who has abandoned a life of privilege to live with her charismatic lover. Into their world comes Richard, an English writer, who has fallen for Olanna's sharp-tongued sister Kainene. But when the shocking horror of civil war engulfs the nation, their loves and loyalties are severely tested, while their lives pull apart and collide once again in ways none of them could have imagined ... --back cover

36 editions

Hard-hitting, but well written.

4 stars

I admittedly did not know anything about the Nigerian Civil War before reading this book. Tackle on the fact that I try not to read blurbs or anything about the books before starting them, this one took me entirely by surprise.

The first portion of the book reads more like a historical drama. There's family disputes, betrayals, affairs, all that soap opera goodness. Then the war breaks out and you see how much it messes everything up and how it changes the characters of the book as they try to navigate and survive the attacks.

Adichie pulls no punches when it comes to any portion of this book, especially the war portions. The descriptions of attacked areas can be quite gorey, so just be prepared for that. I feel like this is an important read and I'm definitely glad that I read it.

I will say that while I felt …

Biafra-tietoutta romaanin muodossa

3 stars

Romaani Biafran valtion synnystä, sen lyhyestä olemassaolosta, sodasta ja nälänhädästä. Keskiössä ovat Nigerian ehdottomaan eliittiin kuuluvan perheen kaksostyttäret, jotka ovat tottuneet rikkaaseen elämään mutta jotka sodan myötä joutuvat kärsimään siinä missä muutkin ja menettävät myös omaisuutensa. Sisällöllisesti kiinnostava kurkistus 1960-luvun juuri itsenäistyneeseen Nigeriaan ja sen sisäisiin ristiriitoihin, mutta kerronta oli vähemmän vetävää ja lukemista sai tehdä ihan tosissaan.


5 stars

If I hadn't already read The Dollmaker in March then Half Of A Yellow Sun would certainly have been my Book Of The Month. Adichie's exploration of events leading up to and during the late 1960s civil war in Nigeria is a powerful indictment of irresponsible colonialism and also an emotionally moving historical novel. We see Nigeria and, for its brief existence, Biafra, through several eyes which enables Adichie to give a rounded portrayal of the disastrous attempt at independence. Already knowing how this battle will turn out means the whole of Half Of A Yellow Sun is tinged with poignancy, but I still found myself caught up in the excitement and self-belief of the Igbo people as they started to fight back against persecution.

I loved that our leading characters are such complicated people and their interconnected relationships allows us to see their actions from different perspectives. Twins are …

Review of 'Half of a Yellow Sun' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

A wonderful exploration into the period around Biafra's brief revolutionary independence from Nigeria and its subsequent collapse and the violence surrounding it. It focuses on the legacy of colonialism and ethnic ties in the face of romance.

Review of 'Half of a Yellow Sun' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Okay, don't shoot me. I see a lot of people like this book and I totally get why! There's a lot to like here! The writing style is great, the depictions are vivid, and the author really knows how to paint a scene. I really felt like I got into the heads of the characters, their motives, and their feelings. The audiobook narrator was also really, really good.

But I just didn't find a lot here that I found interesting. The setting was unique, the culture fascinating, but I thought the start was really slow, and honestly I found the characters kind of boring. Ugwu was especially unlikeable to me. I don't know, I see why a lot of people like this book, but it just wasn't for me.

Review of 'Half of a Yellow Sun' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

This is one of those books that has been on my ‘to read’ stack for a long time. Immediately after finishing it, every other book Adichie has written has been added to my stack.

This is an extraordinary book told from the perspective of three different characters. These are richly imagined characters that come to life from the very first sentence.

The multiple interwoven stories are deftly handled. While the storylines are complex, the form a coherent hold. Somehow Adichie managed this while avoiding a neat and tidy ending. This book shows that avoiding this type can have more of an impact than a “satisfying” resolution.

But more than anything, this book shows the reality of war: the impact it has on the lives of ordinary people, the shame it induces and the acts of everyday heroism it takes to survive. It also shows how easily our comfortable lives can …

Review of 'Half of a Yellow Sun' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

If I could give it 10 stars, I would. This is one of the best, most engaging books I've read recently. It made me smile, it shocked me, it made me sad, it made me laugh.

I liked how the characters are developed and presented through a narrator's point of view, as we get to read the same story as seen through different eyes. I liked how human stories are set against the backdrop of tragedy and war. I liked Chimamanda's sensibility, maturity and softness.

Review of 'Half of a Yellow Sun' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

If you're struggling to get through the first 1/4 of this book, let me encourage you: It's actually about the Nigerian civil war and the secession of Biafra, and things start happening! Just keep going! I almost gave up before I got to the point where the revolution began, because almost 150 pages at the beginning are spent setting up the characters and describing Nigerian life in the early 1960s, and it's quite dull. There's very little plot movement. But I was encouraged to keep going because a friend was further along in the same book and really enjoying it, and I'm glad I did.

The title of Richard's book, "The World Was Silent When We Died," is apropos. As an American born after the events in the book, I knew nothing about this period of Nigerian history, and it serves as a reminder of the many tragedies playing out …

Review of 'Half of a Yellow Sun' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

So many war stories become about the horrors of war, or even wallow in them. This story treats the Biafran war the opposite way, focusing only on its characters. Each have their own experiences of those horrors in the context of their lives and backgrounds. This way the war is woven into lives that we know, in which it is only one of many forces at work.

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  • Social aspects
  • Fiction
  • Civil War (Nigeria : 1967-1970) cct
  • History


  • Nigeria
  • 1967-1970 Civil War
