All the Light we Cannot See


Published Nov. 8, 2014 by Scribner.

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4 stars (152 reviews)

From the highly acclaimed, multiple award-winning Anthony Doerr, a stunningly ambitious and beautiful novel about a blind French girl and a German boy whose paths collide in occupied France as both try to survive the devastation of World War II. Marie Laure lives with her father in Paris within walking distance of the Museum of Natural History where he works as the master of the locks (there are thousands of locks in the museum). When she is six, she goes blind, and her father builds her a model of their neighborhood, every house, every manhole, so she can memorize it with her fingers and navigate the real streets with her feet and cane. When the Germans occupy Paris, father and daughter flee to Saint-Malo on the Brittany coast, where Marie-Laure's agoraphobic great uncle lives in a tall, narrow house by the sea wall. In another world in Germany, an orphan …

33 editions

A masterpiece

5 stars

This was so well written. I love Doerr's beautiful descriptive style and the way he interweaves the stories of the characters intricately together.

Minus half a star because it didn't make me shed as many tears as such a powerful story should have. I can't really tell why. Maybe it was just my mood and I may need to reread it sometime and update my rating o 5 stars. Its definitely worth a read and a reread in any case.

An honor and great pleasure to have read this book

No rating

Strangely enough most reviews I've read said that this book was about WWII. True the events in the book do occur during that war but to me WWII was more like a prop than the subject of the work. Basically we see the the drama through the eyes of two children, a French blind girl (in her case of course it's more "we feel") and a German boy. But in fact it's much more about their respective internal worlds than about the war as such and if only to read how a young 15 years old blind girl first discovers the ocean, it's gigantic might and incredible mildness for the first time by sounds, smells and feelings on her skin is worth the effort (or in my case pleasure).

Review of 'All the light we cannot see' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

As most stories are about this horrible time in history its a great but sad fiction about what happened to the ppl on both sides and everything in between. I loved it, however the time jumping back and forth was confusing to me and i lost track on when i was in the story even tho i knew it was a chapter meant to be from future in. It could have been set up better on these parts. But its a great book, one of the better of its kind!

Review of 'All the light we cannot see' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This book is... fiction, so while it may convey some emotion some people felt surviving World War II, it's difficult to know, because Doerr removed the anchor to reality in order to accommodate a too-precious dollop of narrative parallelism.

It's difficult to know, because many people who went through those times wouldn't talk about them. Toward the end, did starvation and stress wear people down into mad vegetables? Did people who compromised their ethics and ideals, in order to survive, truly question their decisions and feel guilt over what they did, like everyone in this book seems to, or did they rationalize it away like a normal person? It's unsatisfying, because it's difficult to know.

Review of 'All the Light We Cannot See' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This is a beautifully written book. If you enjoy reading for the sheer pleasure of beautiful prose, you'll love this book. Doerr's descriptions are beautiful and poetic and thoughtful, especially as he describes the world from blind Marie-Laure's point of view.

Aside from the beautiful writing though, the actual story didn't fully grip me. I liked it, I just didn't love it. In addition, the constant shifting of time frame was just annoying. The book primarily follows two main characters, both children: Werner, a German boy who lives in an orphanage with his sister and is fascinated with electronics and engineering, and Marie-Laure, a blind French girl who lives with her locksmith father in Paris and later in the small town of Saint-Malo when they flee from the bombing to stay with her great-uncle. You could consider a third "character" to be the rare diamond called the Sea of Fire, …

Review of 'All the Light We Cannot See' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

"Open your eyes and see what you can with them, before they close forever"

What a journey! What an incredible, heartbreaking, beautiful and bittersweet journey! Poetry disguised as prose - the phrase that comes to mind while reading this book. Strangely, I felt the same while reading The Book Thief, another beautiful story set in those grim years of World War II. What is it about wars that is so fascinating to authors - maybe the atrocities that are committed, the inevitable doom that casts its shadow over both the perpetrators and the victims, or maybe how despite living in the worst of times imaginable to them, people manage to survive but however brave they are, war leaves a black hole in their hearts that can never be filled.

All the characters are incredibly well-written, especially Marie-Laure LeBlanc, who I think is probably the most beautiful character ever written. The …

Review of 'All the Light We Cannot See' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

I didn't know what to expect when I started All the Light We Cannot See. Right away, I was concerned that there were going to be too many characters and I wouldn't be able to fully connect with any of them enough to keep me engaged in what is a pretty long book. What happened, instead, is that, to varying degrees, I cared about them all.

Once the characters were introduced, I spent a lot of time trying to figure out how they were all connected. It didn't take long, however, for me to stop thinking so much about that and become completely engrossed in their individual situations. When I did start to unravel the connections, I wasn't disappointed. Twice I could feel my eyes widen with the realization and I wished I had someone close by that I could share it with.

This is a beautifully written, thought-provoking book. …

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