This is not my kind of book.
I don’t like fiction in which brutal crimes are important—real life has enough cruelty. I also don’t need or want to learn about the inner life of an adolescent girl in 1969. Finally, while I have nothing against the West Coast, I’ve never lived there so sometimes fiction based in California makes me feel I’m not getting it, like a book about skydiving might.
I picked up Emma Cline’s[a:Emma Cline|2926065|Emma Cline|] The Girls from the advanced copy shelf at the book store I work in, read the first few pages, and put the book in a locker so I’d be sure no one else would take it.
Cline is one of those magical writers with a gift for phrasing that most poets would envy. Like Karen Russell, but different. Every page has at least one sentence that makes you shake your head in wonder, as if you’ve seen a magician perform an impossible trick. You want to copy her words and steal them, but you don’t because you know they wouldn’t go well with your writing.
The story is of Evie Boyd who at age fourteen sees a trio of older girls in a park who have the confidence and presence that Evie lacks, yet craves. These girls, with their thrift store clothes and jewelry, uncombed hair and loud laughter, move through the crowd as “Sleek and thoughtless as sharks breaching the water,” and soon Evie is in their group on a ranch within bicycling distance from her suburban house, where the girls and others are adjuncts to Russell, a Charles Manson-like figure, an aspiring musician with little talent.
The novel shifts from 1969 to the present when Evie, now middle age and narrating, unexpectedly shares a house for a few days with a teenage couple who know that her past included being in a small cult that murdered four people, a la Sharon Tate and others, a crime Evie was not a part of. The story doesn’t focus on the crime, though it remains the heart of it. The main relationship is Evie and Suzanne, the object of Evie’s schoolgirl crush.
Evie and the others seek to find meaning and love in life denied to girls in 1969 and now.
Poor girls. The world fattens them on the promise of love. How badly they need it, and how little most of them will ever get. The treacled pop songs, the dresses described in the catalogs with words like “sunset” and “Paris.” Then the dreams are taken away with such violent force; the hand wrenching the buttons of the jeans, nobody looking at the man shouting at his girlfriend on the bus.
There are a few small problems that only a fussy reader like me, may notice. A dentist wears latex gloves in 1969—they didn’t until the mid 1980s, during the AIDS epidemic. Cline uses the verb “trawl” three times. When you use an interesting verb in a unique way, it will be remembered even if those uses are over a hundred pages apart. Avoid doing that. Also, it’s extremely unlikely that even the most bumbling police in the late 60s would take as long as four months to name the suspect of the murders.
Don’t let that stop you, though. This book will sell and it will be read even by those who don’t appreciate Cline’s nearly synesthesiac ability to describe things. Get it and read it. Yes, you’ll feel a pang for the victims, as you should, but it won’t keep you up at night.
___ Right after I wrote this I looked at Emma Cline's page on this site and saw that she used the same quote I did as a block quote above. It made me feel smart, which I'm not.
Today's (5/27/16) New York Times has a brief mention of
The Girls by Dwight Garner as part of an article titled
12 New Books We're Reading this Summer:THE GIRLS by Emma Cline (Random House). Here’s the debut novel that the publishing world can’t stop talking about. It’s a coming-of-age story, set in Northern California in the late 1960s, that involves a thoughtful teenage girl who drifts into a Charles Manson-like cult. This promises to be a perceptive page-turner, a volume to haunt summer’s warm nights.
[ai:Emma Cline|2926065|Emma Cline|]