Hundred year old Man Who Climbed Out Of The Window And Disappeared

Published Dec. 14, 2012 by Hesperus Press Ltd.

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3 stars (27 reviews)

1 edition

Alter Knacker spaziert durch die Weltgeschichte

4 stars

Content warning vorsicht, sehr grobe Zusammenfassung, aber keine Details

Review of 'Hundred year old Man Who Climbed Out Of The Window And Disappeared' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

This must be the worst book I ever read. The story is not funny, it is like a five-year old trying to come up with his own version of Forrest Gump, while hopped up on sugar. I'm left with nothing but questions: How did this book get so many good reviews? Why is there an elephant? How can this possibly be a movie? Are all Swedes crazy? What is the point that the author wanted to make? Why did I read the whole thing?

Review of 'Hundred year old Man Who Climbed Out Of The Window And Disappeared' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Amazing story. If you liked Forrest Gump then you'll love this, the influences Allan has had in the last hundred years, it is so believable that things could possibly be true. It is hard to review this without including spoilers.

Whilst reading this I was constantly checking the plot trying to find holes but Jonas has done a great job making sure that I fail.

Allan is now by far my favourite character in a book and it would be amazing if this was to be made into a TV series.

The title is brilliant and is what first made me pick it up, if it had less of a title then I could have missed this.

Gonna need a good book to read next, can tell that everything is gonna be a bit dull now.

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