
English language

Published March 16, 1984

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4 stars (44 reviews)

Momo, also known as The Grey Gentlemen or The Men in Grey, is a fantasy novel by Michael Ende, published in 1973. It is about the concept of time and how it is used by humans in modern societies. The full title in German (Momo oder Die seltsame Geschichte von den Zeit-Dieben und von dem Kind, das den Menschen die gestohlene Zeit zurückbrachte) translates to Momo, or the strange story of the time-thieves and the child who brought the stolen time back to the people. The book won the Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis in 1974.

9 editions

"Denn Zeit ist Leben."

5 stars

"Und das Leben wohnt im Herzen."

Eines der schönsten Zitate aus diesem Klassiker, wie ich finde. Momo habe ich das letzte Mal als Kind gelesen und vieles schon wieder vergessen. Es hat aber nichts von seinem Zauber eingebüßt und ist im Gegenteil ein, und ja ich entschuldige mich für das Wortspiel, zeitloses Buch. Man kann es immer und immer wieder lesen um sich selbst daran zu erinnern, nicht nur durch das Leben durchzuhetzen.

Now what you would expect from a childrens book

5 stars

I started reading this, because I already heard about it being as interesting for adults as it is for children. Now I think this book is much more written for adults anyway and I wonder how children interpret the story.

I don't think I even have to sell it much, it's not that long and it goes through the topic of being thoughtful with how you are using your time in life, but in a different way than you might expect.

Would recommend, it's a short but surprisingly deep book.

Review of 'Momo' on 'Goodreads'

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Ļoti gribēju pieturēties pie "recenzija tajā valodā, kādā grāmata", bet man šķiet, ka pat google translate māk vāciski rakstīt labāk par mani. Sapratu ļoti maz, bet esmu lasījusi tulkoto versiju pirms tam, tā kā sižetu zināju un zināju, ka man šī grāmata ļoti patīk. Klausīties viņu vāciski man bija ļoti nostaļģiska sajūta, jo maziņa skatījos pa televizoru vācu satelīt-kanālus, kā arī tādēļ, ka pati grāmata šķiet ļoti nostaļģiju radoša.

Ja kāds vēl nezina par pelēkajiem vīriņiem un dīvaino meitenīti Momo, silti iesaku (tiesa, valodā, ko saprotat).

Review of 'Momo' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This book is really something else. It has enough fantasy to keep a kid engaged in it but its also reflexive enough to make an adult think about the main subject on the book: Time.

The main character, a little homeless girl called Momo, is the antithesis of the super-hero: she has no super powers, she's poor and she seems to be very naive. As the book progresses, her powers become evident: she's a great friend, a better listener and a catalyst of imagination.

The antagonists are ruthless ethereal gray-men devoted to steal time from mankind - they are intimidating and devoted to their labor.

The whole book is a fantastic metaphor of the value of time and what we do with it - What will you do with more free time? Who would you spend it with? Is it really that important to amass a fortune? Is solidarity worthwhile? …

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