nelamvr6 reviewed Pride and Prejudice by Kathryn Knight
A classic
5 stars
It was slow to start, but it started to move at a brisker pace. I really did find myself really engaged. I would recommend this book without reservation.
121 pages
English language
Published Oct. 18, 2000 by Oxford University Press, USA.
Pride and Prejudice is a romance novel by Jane Austen, first published in 1813. The story charts the emotional development of the protagonist, Elizabeth Bennet, who learns the error of making hasty judgments and comes to appreciate the difference between the superficial and the essential. The comedy of the writing lies in the depiction of manners, education, marriage and money in the British Regency. --wikipedia
It was slow to start, but it started to move at a brisker pace. I really did find myself really engaged. I would recommend this book without reservation.
The style is decent and enjoyable, but that is pretty much the only thing this book has going for it. The characters are bland. The development of both the story and the characters is entirely senseless. The whole thing is posh.
I've decided Mr. Bennett is the true hero and he was right about almost everything, particularly his abject horror at learning what Elizabeth wanted to do at the end.
Vielleicht schreibe ich mal etwas Ausführlicheres; aber dieses Mal fiel mir besonders auf, dass Jane Bennett die sein soll, von der keiner weiß, was sie wirklich fühlt, aber es ist Elizabeth, über deren Ehemann-Wahl alle überrascht sind- nicht ihrem Vater und nicht ihrer Schwester vertraut sie bis ans Ende davon was an. Vielleicht liegt es auch daran, dass sie zwar eine gute Vertraute für Jane sein kann, aber diese nicht für sie, gerade wegen deren unerschütterlichen Glauben an das Gute im Menschen. Hier merkt man auch den Unterschied zwischen Charlotte und Jane, denn Charlotte ist eine hervorragende Menschenbeobachterin, wird aber als enge Vertraute von Elizabeth ziemlich bald in der Story weggenommen. Elizabeth ist auffallend allein die meiste Zeit im Buch und ich finde auch, es zeigt sich im Wechsel der Extreme in ihrer Haltung zu Mr. Darcy; es gibt keinen mäßigendes Einfluss einer Person, der sie unmittelbar vertraut.
I have never successfully read a Jane Austen novel as I couldn't get more than a few pages in without losing interest.
I listened to the audio book read by Rosamund Pike; thanks to the narrator's lovely voice, the story was accessible and even enjoyable. The character voices were delightful. Overall, the story was well structured, well paced, had interesting side plots, and even some character development. I enjoyed the insight in a different world and a different time and look forward to exploring more of Austen's work.
There may have been no zombies/aliens/explosions/sex/swearing, but I still really enjoyed this book.
The characters in this are some of the best I have ever had the pleasure to read. Some I really wanted to get jumped by zombies, but alas Mrs Bennett and Lydia all got to live and continue to be spoilt and super emotional.
I haven't seen the movie before either so was surprised by Mr Darcy and his actions early in the story. Elizabeth seems to be a woman ahead of her time, very strong character willing to stand up for herself.
A couple of times I nearly fell asleep whilst reading but luckily Mr Collins eventually stopped talking.
I can't wait for the sequel to come out.
It was more or less what I expected, which is not a good thing. I had hoped that a classic piece of literature that seems so well regarded would have something for all readers. That was definitely not the case for me. My dislike is almost entirely due to the subject matter, which I found incredibly tiresome.
The one thing I got from reading this is that it is a book mainly about whiny, snooty bitches and their schemes to get married to rich men. I found nothing worthwhile here.
All that said, I will freely admit that for those that are into all of the romance, this might be an enjoyable story. After reading some of the other reviews for this book, I get the impression that there is some humor to be found if you are familiar with the historical context. Sadly, that is not the case for …
It was more or less what I expected, which is not a good thing. I had hoped that a classic piece of literature that seems so well regarded would have something for all readers. That was definitely not the case for me. My dislike is almost entirely due to the subject matter, which I found incredibly tiresome.
The one thing I got from reading this is that it is a book mainly about whiny, snooty bitches and their schemes to get married to rich men. I found nothing worthwhile here.
All that said, I will freely admit that for those that are into all of the romance, this might be an enjoyable story. After reading some of the other reviews for this book, I get the impression that there is some humor to be found if you are familiar with the historical context. Sadly, that is not the case for me, and I fear I did not gain any enjoyment from that aspect of the story either.