The House in the Cerulean Sea

, #1


English language

Published July 7, 2021 by Tor.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (179 reviews)

Linus is an uptight caseworker with a heart of gold working for the department in charge of magical youth. When he goes to investigate an orphanage on an island with supposedly dangerous children and an enigmatic leader Arthur, he’s expecting the worst. But it turns out he might be falling in love with Arthur and his charges.

12 editions

Review of 'House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Linus Baker is a caseworker for the Department in Charge Of Magical Youth where he has progressed little over his quiet life. Each time inspecting orphanages of magical youth, he rigorously applies the RULES AND REGULATIONS that guides how magical people should be handled in this world of quiet but persistent discrimination. What becomes of the children in the orphanages he issues a negative report on, he has never quite considered. 

His life of quiet compliance is interrupted when he is given a confidential case from Extremely Upper Management, who’s taken note of his rigorous application of the rules. A remote island orphanage that is home to six children classified as extremely dangerous including “a gnome, a sprite, a wyvern, an unidentifiable green blob, a were-Pomeranian, and the Antichrist” under the tutelage of a headmaster who has little regard for rules and regulations.

During Linus’ stay, he starts to see …

"House in the Cerulean Sea"

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Dette var en morsom og oppfriskende bok med morsomme figurer og et fint budskap. Den var lettlest og egentlig aldri kjedelig. Historien var likevel noe vel forutsigbar og jeg syntes personlighetsutviklinga til hovedpersonen kunne ha vært noe tydeligere. Jeg hadde likt om han hadde vært mye mer usympatisk og negativt innstilt fra begynnelsen, i stedet for forsiktig og deprimert, men det er kanskje også hva jeg skulle ha forventet meg. Jeg synes egentlig også at den var cirka femti sider for lang, men det var en bok som det var verdt å lese for å oppleve de forskjellige figurene mer enn selve handlingen.

Jeg er glad jeg leste den, men det er neppe en bok jeg kommer til å anbefale til så mange.

Delightful character arc

4 stars

Content warning revelation of Linus Baker's character arc may reveal the gist of the plot

Review of 'The House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

It took about 100 pages for me to really get invested in this story and the characters, but once I did, I loved every moment. The book read pretty slowly to me but in a delicious and enjoyable way. Truly a beautiful story through and through, satisfying, heartwarming, and amazing representation of many marginalized communities and outliers... Just can't say enough good things. This is a story I will love and remember for a long long time.

EL cozy fantasy está arrasando

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Seamos sinceros: estamos ya hartos de las grandes aventura y de los señores faes de moralidad dudosa y grandes dotes en el arte de amar. Y el cozy fantasy es nuestro escape, nuestra contracultura de la contracultura. Y este libro es un buen lugar por el que empezar.

Situemos en un mundo muy parecido al nuestro aunque hay seres sobrenaturales y estos tienen descendencia y a veces (demasiadas la verdad) estos quedan huérfanos y hay tantos que hasta crean una nueva sección en Servicios Sociales para visitar y valorar estos sitios y la posible peligrosidad de estos niños. Y Linus Baker es uno de estos trabajadores con mayor antigüedad.

Un día recibe el encargo de ir a un orfanato que está fuera de los registros y que entre los niños que va a ver se encuentra el posible Anticristo pero el mayor problema será que el director del mismo es …

Very cozy-fierce

No rating

This is about outgrowing the oppressive structures you've been supporting, and working to tear them down.

Also I think the message is "you can always choose to be a weirdo and live with the weirdos", which makes me very happy.

Yeah I like this one. Much more than I liked Under the Whispering Door, even though that was also nice.

Review of 'The House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

The House in the Cerulean Sea is a young adult story story about Linus Baker, a case worker for the Department in Charge Of Magical Youth (DICOMY) who is sent to investigate Marsya Island Orphanage, a government-sanctioned orphanage where a number of unique children currently reside. Deemed “dangerous” by the government these children are looked after by Arthur Parnassus, a mysterious man with a secret of his own. Linus, who would rather spend his days at home listening to golden oldies in the presence of his cat, Calliope, initially just wants to remain impartial, observe the children, make his report and then head home. Instead, what he finds on Marsya Island will change him forever.

I’m in two minds about this book. One the one hand, it was kinda cosy and warm and hopeful. On the other hand I cannot ignore that it was apparently inspired by the Sixties Scoop. …

Review of 'The House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

For someone who doesn’t really like YA, I sure seem to be reading a lot of YA lately. I blame my friends. In particular, this small group of remarkable people, kind & smart & patient, each one apparently feeling obligated to make me a better more open-minded person by foisting books on me that I would otherwise turn my snobby nose up at.

This one, like [b:that other book I just finished|58388343|Some Desperate Glory|Emily Tesh||91580340], was almost unbearably painful at the start. This one, too, paid off after initial effort. Here the setup was cartoonish; the protagonist a humorless, soulless, unlikable bureaucrat; and the dialog made my teeth hurt from gritting them. But I kept going, because see above. And then somewhere near page 50 my brain just did a flip of sorts and I started getting it... and, soon, really enjoying it. This is escapist fantasy, a …

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  • American literature
  • nyt:trade-fiction-paperback=2021-01-17
  • New York Times bestseller
  • LGBTQ science fiction & fantasy
  • LGBTQ young adult
  • Fiction, fantasy, paranormal
  • Fiction, occult & supernatural
