The House in the Cerulean Sea

, #1


English language

Published July 7, 2021 by Tor.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (180 reviews)

Linus is an uptight caseworker with a heart of gold working for the department in charge of magical youth. When he goes to investigate an orphanage on an island with supposedly dangerous children and an enigmatic leader Arthur, he’s expecting the worst. But it turns out he might be falling in love with Arthur and his charges.

12 editions

Review of 'House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Sweet romantic queer dramedy with charming magical children. My only two complaints are that the general course of the plot was predictable from quite near the beginning and that the Underlying Message was conveyed entirely without subtlety. It's a good message, mind you, but I prefer the moral of the story to be offered rather than being hot over the head with it. But it's a fun and quick read and I definitely recommend it.

Review of 'The house in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Un libro que me compré en un aeropuerto, por leer algo mientras mi avión se retrasaba. Y menuda maravilla.

Es una historia muy tierna, con humor a veces sutil, a veces desternillante. Unos personajes que te dan ganas de abrazar todo el rato y, creo que lo que más me gusta, unes niñes que puedes creerte. En definitiva, personajes con buen diseño.

La historia, pese a ser previsible, te hace disfrutar del viaje. Que al final, es de lo que se trata. Me gusta el slow burn, me gusta la representación positiva que hace (de hecho, me encanta que la orientación de la gente no suponga ningún drama, los dramas van por otro lado) y una reflexión interesante sobre la bondad humana. ¿Se nace o se hace?

No sé si estaba más tierna de lo habitual, pero me ha gustado mucho. Tanto, que me he hecho una lista de música …

I get why many love this

2 stars

Content warning discussion of what I didn't like, which might spoil your appreciation

Review of 'The House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

I'd seen the cover of this book around on social media a lot but hadn't really paid attention until someone said the magical phrase WERE-POMERANIAN.

Of course I was immediately all in.

I can not even begin to describe how delightful this book is. Linus is an inspector for group homes for magical children. He cares deeply about the kids and thinks that he is doing the best for them by making sure that they are cared for by the book. His eyes are starting to be opened to the fact that not everyone around him may be as benevolent as he is. When he is tapped for a secret inspection of a home for dangerous children all his assumptions fall apart.

I highlighted so many quotes from this book. The banter was so much fun. These are just a few.

“I am evil incarnate,” the dastardly voice said. …

Review of 'The House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I really thought I was going to like this book, but I simply didn't. There are so many issues with it, starting with a few and getting worse and worse.
To begin with, it's so easy to guess how the book ends after Linus is introduced in the first few chapters. A simple character that always follows the rules ... what else could happen other than him changing and/or having an 'epiphany' about the fact that rules and laws aren't everything? Argh.

The first thing, and probably my biggest issue is with how creepy the book came across in several situations. I thought it was weird that one of the main characters literally shared a private room with one of the children but ignored it because I was waiting for the actual reasoning behind it or an explanation, which never happened. In general, very little gets resolved in this book. …

Review of 'The House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I really thought I was going to like this book, but I simply didn't. There are so many issues with it, starting with a few and getting worse and worse.
To begin with, it's so easy to guess how the book ends after Linus is introduced in the first few chapters. A simple character that always follows the rules ... what else could happen other than him changing and/or having an 'epiphany' about the fact that rules and laws aren't everything? Argh.

The first thing, and probably my biggest issue is with how creepy the book came across in several situations. I thought it was weird that one of the main characters literally shared a private room with one of the children but ignored it because I was waiting for the actual reasoning behind it or an explanation, which never happened. In general, very little gets resolved in this book. …

reviewed La casa sul mare celeste by TJ Klune (The House in the Cerulean Sea, #1)

Review of 'La casa sul mare celeste' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Puoi trovare questa recensione anche sul mio blog, La siepe di more

So che la stragrande maggioranza dei pareri su questo romanzo verte sul fatto che sia molto tenero e dolce – e avendo già letto altro di Klune non ne sono sorpresa – ma l’aspetto che mi ha colpito di più è il fatto che La casa sul mare celeste mi è sembrato una critica al queerbaiting di J.K. Rowling e al modello piuttosto conservatore di famiglia che emerge dalla saga di Harry Potter. E se siete tra coloro che non nutrono simpatia per il comportamento di Silente nei confronti di Harry Potter, correte a procurarvi questo libro.

Klune non ha mai fatto mistero di ritenere che, se vuoi scrivere un personaggio gay, allora rendilo esplicitamente tale all’interno della storia, non uscirtene anni dopo la fine della saga con un Ah, comunque io Silente l’ho pensato gay. …

Review of 'The House in the Cerulean Sea' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars


What a wonderful story that had me fall in love right from the start. Set in a magical world where anything is possible and so misunderstood, it was a beautiful story about accepting others despite their differences. Yes it was very obvious in its message but it certainly did not detract from the beauty of it all.
I just love all the children and Linus and Arthur, and despite me not being one for romances in general I couldn’t help but really root for them. Absolutely lovely book!
(Also my favorite character was definitely Talia and her little shovel.)

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  • American literature
  • nyt:trade-fiction-paperback=2021-01-17
  • New York Times bestseller
  • LGBTQ science fiction & fantasy
  • LGBTQ young adult
  • Fiction, fantasy, paranormal
  • Fiction, occult & supernatural
