Paperback, 599 pages

English language

Published Feb. 26, 2010 by Orbit Science Fiction.

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4 stars (67 reviews)

"The year was 2014. We had cured cancer. We had beaten the common cold. But in doing so we had created something new, something terrible that no one could stop. The infection spread, virus blocks taking over bodies and minds with one, unstoppable command: FEED. Now, twenty years after the Rising, Georgia and Shaun Mason are on the trail of the biggest story of their lives--the dark conspiracy behind the infected. The truth will [come] out, even if it kills them."--P. [4] of cover.

6 editions

reviewed Feed by Mira Grant (Newflesh Trilogy #1)

Review of 'Feed' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

книжка гірша, ніж її оцінюють ті, хто в захваті, — але й значно значно краща, ніж пишуть про неї розчаровані. проблем з нею чимало, але читати цілком можна, якщо не чекати класичного пост-апокаліптичного зомбі-трилера.

reviewed Feed by Mira Grant (Newsflesh, #1)

Review of 'Feed' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

3.5 stars, but I detract a half star for the narrator.

This book is in this day and age a lot more relevant and difficult to read than it must have been when it came out in... 2011 I believe?
Going through a viral pandemic was, in that time, something far away from reality. Today it isn't.

We don't have zombies, thank goodness. The way people actually behave during a pandemic would have meant mankind would have been extinct within a year. But we have the Corona-virus.
When this book was written, social media weren't the thing they are now, but blogging was hot. But replace blogs with Twitter, Facebook and Instagram, and you have the world of today, where the news isn't only in the hands of the traditional journalists, but also in the hand of online influencers, and the common man/woman/whatever.
It's a different world, and yet, frightfully …

reviewed Feed by Mira Grant (Newflesh Trilogy #1)

Review of 'Feed' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Feed tells the story of three bloggers following a political campaign 26 years after a zombie plague spread through humanity.

In Feed, bloggers have largely filled in the space formerly taken up by mainstream news and entertainment. Georgia Mason is a "newsie" or reporter, while her brother Shaun is an "Irwin" or a person who pokes danger with a stick to see what happens. Their blog is chosen to follow a presidential run across a US still dealing with zombies shambling about.

Mira Grant, a pen name for Seanan McGuire, tells a story filled with equal parts hope and terror, where bad things happen to people who find themselves in the right place at the right time. Her prose is excellent and I really enjoyed the blog excerpts from the characters that open and close each chapter. I can't wait to read the next book.

Review of 'Feed' on 'Storygraph'

5 stars

Feed by Mira Grant is a post-apocalyptic book about life/media moving on after the end. Set in 2039 after zombies rose in 2014, it posits a world of dizzying connectedness and loneliness. It’s a political thriller, a monster story, and a wild ride.

Feed’s portrayal of politics and life after the Rising dances on a fine line between world building and info-dumping, and I think it mostly gets it right. The characterization has the right level of attention, given what the narrator would be expected to know. The interstitial passages add insight and depth to the secondary characters, acknowledging a fallible narrator without making her an unreliable one. It sets up preconceptions which are challenged in Feed, shaken in Deadline, and shattered in Blackout. I love these books, I come back to this series about once every two years and it never gets old.

reviewed Feed by Mira Grant (Newflesh Trilogy #1)

Review of 'Feed' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Wow, I really didn't like this book.

The premise is great. The world is overrun by zombies. Has been for decades. People live in high-security cities. Everyone is paranoid about outbreaks. Our heroes are not soldiers or secret agents or detectives or scientists. They are bloggers. They are not uncovering the big secret behind the zombie plague or how it can be reversed or an alien invasion or anything "usual" like that. They are covering an election. So cool!

I especially like the scientific explanation and mechanics for the zombies. A protection for the common cold and a cure for cancer combined in unforeseen ways. Everyone is infected! Nobody gets cancer or the common cold. But when anyone dies, the virus activates and they become a zombie. You don't need to be bitten. Have a heart attack and come back a zombie! Of course any contact with the activated …

Review of 'feed' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is not a zombie horror novel. Its a thriller novel about a presidential campaign beset by sabotage and terrorism told from the viewpoint of an on staff journalist/blogger. It just all happens to take place after the zombie apocalypse. And it's amazing. There's a lot of medical talk and explanations building how the zombies happened and how the world adjusted, but i found them fascinating and added a lot of depth and color to the world. And since the main character is a journalist, they never really felt out of place or unnecessary. An amazing book and i can't wait until the rest of the series comes in on inter library loan.

reviewed Feed by Mira Grant (Newflesh Trilogy #1)

Review of 'Feed' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This is not a zombie horror novel. Its a thriller novel about a presidential campaign beset by sabotage and terrorism told from the viewpoint of an on staff journalist/blogger. It just all happens to take place after the zombie apocalypse. And it's amazing. There's a lot of medical talk and explanations building how the zombies happened and how the world adjusted, but i found them fascinating and added a lot of depth and color to the world. And since the main character is a journalist, they never really felt out of place or unnecessary. An amazing book and i can't wait until the rest of the series comes in on inter library loan.

Review of 'feed' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

2040, futur proche, vingt-six ans après le Jour des morts qui a vu une épidémie infecter le monde entier. L’univers imaginé par Mira Grant est dominé par une peur et une méfiance permanentes, et le quotidien de chacun repose sur une paranoïa qui semble ne pas avoir de limite. Le virus est omniprésent, des attaques de zombies et des flambées épidémiques peuvent survenir à tout moment, et une vigilance de tous les instants est de rigueur. Les zombies sont ici prétexte à un thriller politico-médical, et l’information en est le thème central. Internet, ou plus précisément la blogosphère d’info, est devenue LA référence pour qui recherche la vérité. Le journalisme vu par Mira Grant est très organisé, il comporte différents types de journalistes : les rédacs, dédiés au rédactionnel et à l’info pure et dure, les irwins, reporters casse-coups croisés entre Indiana Jones et Daryl Dixon, et enfin les bardes, …

reviewed Feed by Mira Grant (Newflesh Trilogy #1)

Review of 'Feed' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I started this book last week and finished it last week. It took a few days (commutes, evenings, and even sneaking time at work) to read the nearly 600 pages.

Basically, all the negatives are nitpicking, which means this is a good book.

I'm not actually a fan of zombie culture. My husband is. We've watched all the zombie movies. But I would have passed on them if I'd been involved with anybody that was not into zombie culture.

I don't typically read zombie books. I tried to read the Max Brooks books, but they drove me nuts, so they went into my very small "can't be finished" pile. Quite frankly, I've hate-read books before, so for me not to be able to finish a book means it's got problems.

But, anyway, back to Feed. I can say, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Grant knows her zombie culture. All the …

reviewed Feed by Mira Grant (Newflesh Trilogy #1)

Review of 'Feed' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

The premise was good, but... I found the novel to be somewhat tedious.

Feed follows a group of young Bloggers who are chosen to follow a US senator around on his campaign trail as he runs for President during a time when Zombies exist.

The characters were interesting, but the politics involved were quite boring. I'm not sure if that is because I am not American, or if the process really is all that dull but I could have forgiven that if it was not the primary focus of the novel. Added to this, was the repetitiveness of the story. It could probably be summed up as: Everyone gets a blood test, mention of George's eye condition, another blood test, buffy's tech expertise, another blood test, mention of ratings, mention of George's eye condition, another blood test. Then, Everyone gets a blood test, mention of George's eye condition, another blood …

reviewed Feed by Mira Grant (Newflesh Trilogy #1)

Review of 'Feed' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This is a fun book which I enjoyed while reading and which afterward presented all kinds of problems for me.

The good: The basic scenario is the good old 'the world ended, we kept on going' which is always a good time. Add to that, the narrative voice is strong, distinctive, and fairly likeable. Bonus: our heroine, George, runs a news site that includes paid RPF writers, because that's just how the future rolls, and these writers are basically my people.

The bad: This book really had so much potential that it didn't live up to. Either it was super-subtle, or it really failed to go anywhere with the zombies/consumerism angle. And the book is named "Feed!" And all about news, which, you know, 24 hour news channels, I really think there's an angle! But from the book's point of view, news is more of a sacred calling than …

Review of 'Feed' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

I was so stressed out finishing this. It grabbed me from the get go. Great zombie novel, but with a little more...intelligence than some. Sometimes it felt like the narrator (Georgia) was TELLING me rather than SHOWING me, but other than that I didn't have many issues with the writing style. Found the political aspect somewhat familiar, minus the zombies, of course, and that may have been the scariest part to me. I'm not sure how I feel about the narrator, in first person, being killed at the end. I find that extremely jarring. But again, highly enjoyable zombie story.

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