
A Brief History of Humankind

hardcover, 464 pages

Published Oct. 28, 2014 by Signal.

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4 stars (91 reviews)

El libro de no ficción del año. Bestseller internacional con más de diez millones de ejemplares vendidos. Número 1 en la lista de The New York Times. Recomendado por Barack Obama, Bill Gates y Mark Zuckerberg. De la mano de uno de los historiadores más interesantes de la actualidad, he aquí la fascinante interpretación de Yuval Noah Harari sobre la historia de la humanidad. Bestseller nacional e internacional, este libro explora las formas en que la biología y la historia nos han definido y han mejorado nuestra comprensión de lo que significa ser «humano». Hace 70.000 años al menos seis especies de humanos habitaban la Tierra. Hoy solo queda una, la nuestra: Homo Sapiens. ¿Cómo logró nuestra especie imponerse en la lucha por la existencia? ¿Por qué nuestros ancestros recolectores se unieron para crear ciudades y reinos? ¿Cómo llegamos a creer en dioses, en naciones o en los derechos humanos; …

32 editions

Review of 'Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

An interesting overview of the history of mankind. Learned a lot of surprising facts (i.e. the impact of humans (or actually "homo sapiens") on its environment is stupendous: the total wipeout of large marsupials in Australia total landscape changes, the wipeout of all other non-sapiens humans. The "bad deal" of the agricultural revolution. The role of stories to believe in in the development of sapiens (including, but not limited to religions), etc.etc). It's so much I'm afraid I'm going to forget a lot of them.

Has an impact on the way I view the world right now - hence 5 stars.

Review of 'Sapiens' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

A small book for a vast topic. I found it well worth reading. I got it from the library but may well buy the paperback. As I expected, it doesn't succeed in its attempts to explain things but does succeed in demolishing many of the "explanations" we have seen before.
It's also, not surprisingly, off track when it gets to recent history; "As the 21st century unfolds, nationalism is fast losing ground". It didn't take long for that to change.

Review of 'Sapiens' on 'GoodReads'

3 stars

В целом компетентный (несколько находящихся под вопросом взглядов и пара довольно странных выводов всё же присутствуют) развлекательного толка нонфикшн; да, очередной пересказ последних двух миллионов лет человеческой истории для тех, кто торопится, но на этот раз — с попытками интерпретации событий с несколько более философской точки зрения.

Review of 'Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

“Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind” by Yuval Noah Harari is a rare work. A truly interdisciplinary telling of the rise of Homo sapiens to be the dominant species on earth, Harari’s book tells the story of humanity from there emergency to the present moment (and possible futures) in a mere 466 pages. Hariri is a that most rare breed of scholar: a generalist who can weave a grand story with deep insight and artfulness. Moreover, the book is fun— not only is Hariri an author of big ideas, he is also a fantastic writer.

There are too many ideas in this book to discuss here. What do you expect with a book that tells the entire history of humanity from start to (perhaps) finish? I purposefully want to keep away describing each detail. The story is too complex, and Hariri tells it much better than I can. The book …

Review of 'Sapiens A Brief History of Humankind' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

It's not very often one finds a book that challenges and re draws the lines that define what we think we are. This is one. Reading Sapiens has made me question everything about being a human. Why do we define ourselves as such? And where are the boundaries?
What are the levels of reality that exist and how do they affect us... Everything from fire to societies to money to the genome and artificial intelligence. Mankind since it walked out of the jungles (so to speak) and up until it's facing of its true nature. Are we gods? Can we be? Should we be?
All of this questions pondered and asked in a nice, friendly, even funny tone that shouldn't scare away even the newest among us the anthropologist wannabes.
My personal highlight was the realization of the importance of stories, as maybe our biggest invention as a species... and …

Review of 'Sapiens' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Some books can follow you around. That appeared to have happened in the past few months with Yuval Noah Harari’s Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind (HarperCollins). It just seemed to be popping up everywhere.

I got curious and before long, I placed a reservation request to the library. The moment I got my hands on it, I got engrossed, immediately. Sapiens, is an extraordinary and provocative book, often funny and wonderfully written. Its scope is ambitious, it traces the evolution of our species from the rise of our ancient and insignificant ancestors, around 70,000 years ago, when Sapiens “started doing very special things,” to our current place in the modern, technological age of the twenty-first century.

In his book, Yuval Noah Harari, a professor of history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, attempts to answer how we did it, how humans succeeded to become the most significant species, to …

Review of 'De animales a dioses : breve historia de la humanidad. - 1. ed.' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Este es uno de esos libros que tiene la capacidad de cambiar ideas, perspectivas y hasta vidas.

Con una escritura clara y directa, explica nuestro paso por el mundo como especie, nuestra evolución, y todo esto mientras pone a prueba nuestra forma de pensar y provocar nuevas líneas de pensamiento. Desde la prehistoria, expone cómo las revoluciones cognitivas, agrícolas e industriales nos han moldeado hasta ser algo casi anti-natural, por nuestro imaginario orden y estructuras tan fuera del mundo que nos vio nacer. Y cuestiona el futuro de nosotros los sapiens a medida que desarrollamos cyborgs, biónica y bioingeniería. ¿Seremos una especie evolucionada más allá de nuestra propia mano?

Este libro te deja un montón de cosas para aprender y un montón de interesantes preguntas para hacerte y seguir buscando respuesta a ellas.

Lo recomiendo ampliamente, es una grandiosa lectura para aprender más de quiénes somos.

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