2010: Odissea due

Paperback, 330 pages

Italiano language

Published October 2016 by Fanucci Editore.

Copied ISBN!
4 stars (50 reviews)

Nove anni dopo il disastro, il relitto della Discovery vaga abbandonato nello spazio interplanetario, portando con sé i misteri del fallimento di quella missione. Ora, una spedizione congiunta di astronauti russi e americani ha il compito di raggiungere la nave spaziale alla deriva e scandagliare la memoria di Hal 9000, l’intelligenza artificiale deviata che ha portato la Discovery alla rovina. Perché il computer si è ammutinato? Che fine ha fatto l’equipaggio? Cosa ne è stato del comandante Bowman? Quando anche una spedizione cinese è inviata verso il relitto, la missione di recupero si trasforma in qualcosa di più pericoloso e cruciale: in gioco c’è il futuro dell’universo, perché chi otterrà per primo le informazioni raccolte dall’equipaggio della Discovery riguardanti l’enigmatico monolite rinvenuto sotto la superficie lunare sarà destinato a governare il mondo. Il secondo capitolo di una saga monumentale. Una lettura obbligata per i fan di Arthur C. Clarke.

19 editions

i learned a lot about moons

4 stars

I thought this book was more beautifully written than the first! The poetic and somewhat detailed descriptions of celestial phenomena drew me in, as well as the rich cast of characters as seen from Floyds perspective.

I think there is a lot of horror to this series that I am not altogether sure was 100% intended to be viewed as such. Certainly some things are obviously meant to be scary and evoke loneliness etc, but nothing to me is sadder or more terrible than the thought and description of these Gods and their impact on our creation and lives, as well as the direct influence on Bowman, who is little more than a tool for most of the book. Very depressing!

I really loved the descriptions of the evolved life on Europa in the last chapter. So fascinating and fun to think about; I don't think I can name another …

Review of '2010' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

2010: Odyssey Two is the second book in the Dave Bowman/HAL 9000 series. While the books in the series are considered sequels, the timeline and story change a little due to historical events and discoveries in the real world.

Dr. Haywood Floyd embarks on a journey to Jupiter to recover the Discovery and investigate “Big Brother”, another monolith found at the LaGrange point between IO and Jupiter. He’s joined by Dr. Chandra, HAL’s designer, and Walter Curnow, the chief engineer who oversaw the construction of the Discovery. They’ve hitched a ride with the Russians on the Alexi Leonov because they needed a quick departure due to the decay of Discovery’s orbit.

This book was written in 1982 and the movie was produced in 1984. The movie follows the book for the most part. As usual, the book has more details than the movie. I love the movie just as much …

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