The Promise

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Damon Galgut: The Promise (2021, Chatto & Windus)


Published June 17, 2021 by Chatto & Windus.

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4 stars (14 reviews)

3 editions

Nevšední a moc poutavý narativní styl

5 stars

Slib je příběh o jedné bělošské rodině, odehrávající se mezi lety 1985 a 2018 v Jihoafrické republice. Provází jej slib, podle kterého má jejich černošská služka dostat domek, ve kterém bydlí. Na pozadí příběhu vidíme vývoj vztahu černochů a bělochů v Jižní Africe.

tl;dr ➡️ Moc jsem si užívala specifický narativní styl, bylo to něco jiného. Doufala jsem, že se v knize dozvím víc o novodobých dějinách Jihoafrické republiky, ale střípky o apartheidu, segregaci, nerovnosti, diskriminaci vycházejí na povrch jen občas.

Damon Galgut si vybral všudypřítomného vypravěče, kterého jsem si představovala jako takovou mouchu, která tu se zastaví u jedné postavy, tamhle ji zaujme jiná, a třetí dokonce vletí do ucha a čte jí myšlenky. Velmi často, ale velmi umně se tak střídají pohledy, a to i v rámci odstavce nebo dokonce věty, navíc se mění i ich forma, er forma a občas se objeví i du forma. Trvalo mi, …

Decent enough

No rating

The meandering perspective at first annoyed me, then I settled into it. Once I fell into that rhythm, it felt like a solid read, and interesting to get a glimpse of South African life. Although I felt a bit irked to not get perspectives from Black characters a bit more.

Review of 'The Promise' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This won the Booker prize so it's fine for me not to be a fan. I've argued with some people about it to try and understand why it's liked, and I just can't get there.

Everyone acts like the narrative style is new but it's such a clear comparison with Virginia Woolf's To The Lighthouse, a comparison that does nothing but harm to this book.

You would think the point of constantly switching to show different characters inner lives is to show the complexity of being human and interacting with others, how people appear on the outside vs their inner thoughts, but I genuinely think you could write this book with literally no internal monologue from anyone and you would still know everything about each character. This narrative style didn't actually add anything which makes me wonder if the point was just

Nice to read something so South African, …

Perfect Book for a bookclub discussion

5 stars

As one participant in yesterday's discussion put it - the story of a crumbling family, in a crumbling society, The Promise tells the tale, in particular, of three siblings, Anton, Astrid and Amor, their parents and extended family, against the backdrop of the ending of apartheid in South Africa.

From a white farming family, the three sibling's story is told in a series of deaths and the ramifications of each of those on them, and a long-standing promise to the black maid and lifelong companion of them all - Salome. Starting with the death of their mother, and her deathbed return to her Jewish faith, the ructions that this, and the promise she extracts from her husband to give Salome the house and land that she lives on (pointed echo here with the current Australian Voice discussions), start out a story that then moves onwards in time, in a meandering …

Review of 'The Promise' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Het valt me nog niet mee om The promise van Damon Galgut (1963) te waarderen. Aan de ene kant is de Booker Prizewinnaar van 2021 een gelaagd verhaal over een tanende, witte Zuid-Afrikaanse familie, waarin tegenstellingen tussen bevolkingsgroepen op verschillende niveaus voorkomen: naast huidskleur en afkomst verdelen ook vermogen, geloof, generatie en opleiding het land dan wel de familie.

Galgut beschrijft vier decennia aan de hand van de dood van vier familieleden. Voor zover zij de hoofdpersoon mag heten, doet jongste dochter Amor een gooi naar morele verhevenheid door zich af te keren van racisme en het eten van vlees. Omdat haar verzet hoofdzakelijk bestaat uit een vlucht naar het buitenland, is Amor echter grotendeels uit beeld. Daarmee schept Galgut ruimte voor de interne worstelingen van haar minder vooruitstrevende broer en zus.

Aan de andere kant kon ik moeilijk in het verhaal komen, dat hoe prachtig geschreven ook, toch tamelijk …

Review of 'The Promise' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Galgut slips seamlessly from first to second to third person and from place to other place, sometimes within the same sentence, and always without dialog quotation marks, giving a feeling of intimacy and sense of floating in real time to this book that happens in South Africa, within a troubled family, over decades. He received the Booker for his efforts and I think this beautifully written and moving story is worthy of the award.

The mother of the family asks her husband before she dies to promise to give the house on their farm where Salome lives to their black servant outright. The narrative plays out against this premise, as the tragic Swart family moves through three deaths and funerals over years. Only Amor is able to escape, but she pays a terrific price for her separation.

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