El cuento de la criada

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Margaret Atwood: El cuento de la criada (Spanish language, 1987, Sudamericana)

284 pages

Spanish language

Published Aug. 14, 1987 by Sudamericana.

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4 stars (69 reviews)

The Handmaid's Tale is a radical departure for Margaret Atwood. Set in the near future, in a locale that oddly resembles Cambridge, Massachusetts, it describes life in what was once the United States. Now, however, it has become the Republic of Gilead, a monolithic theocracy that has reacted to social unrest and a sharply declining birthrate by reverting to the repressive intolerance of the original Puritans, and has gone far beyond them. This regime takes the Book of Genesis absolutely at its word, with bizarre consequences for women, and for men as well.

The story is told through the eyes of Offred, one of the unfortunate "Handmaids" under the new social order. In condensed but eloquent prose, by turns cool-eyed, tender, despairing, passionate, and wry, she reveals to us the dark corners behind the establishment's calm facade, as certain tendencies now in existence are carried to their logical conclusions.

The …

41 editions

The Handmaid's Tale

4 stars

The Republic of Gilead is a military regime based on fundamentalist Christian values. There's no place for freedom, for choice, for self determination. Women in particular have been stripped of all their rights and are divided into castes. The narrator and main character, Offred, is a Handmaid and her only function is to breed. This is a very good novel, and a pretty scary one, considering how the rights of women, particularly reproductive rights, are constantly under attack by the religious fundamentalists and right-wing politicians. The dystopian society depicted in this book is far too plausible, at least in some of its elements...

Review of 'Opowieść podręcznej' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

Świetnie wykreowany oryginalny świat.
Fabularnie jednak pierwsza połowa nie zachwyca, za to druga nadrabia za pierwszą.

Zakończenie nie jest satysfakcjonujące - po co pisać całą książkę, skoro można pod koniec dać suplement historyczny i wyjaśnić o co w książce w ogóle chodzi.

Wielką wartość dostrzegam w ukazanej pasywnej reakcji na działania reżimu.

Kapitalny pomysł, który nie został tu wykorzystany, za to z wielkim potencjałem na całe uniwersum.

Review of "The Handmaid's Tale" on 'GoodReads'

4 stars

Started off a little slow.... but the book really grabbed me about halfway through. I think I read the last 150 pages of the book in one sitting. Really interesting exploration of mono-theocracies and the social implications they bring. Not quite sci-fi, but definitely dystopian. I really enjoyed piecing together the new world of 'Gilead' based upon the bits of information Offred knew. Very unique twist to the 1984 and Brave New World versions of the future we've seen over and over again.

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