Thirteen Reasons Why

English language

Published March 7, 2017

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4 stars (30 reviews)

Thirteen Reasons Why (stylized as TH1RTEEN R3ASONS WHY) is a young adult novel written by Jay Asher in 2007, that follows the story of Hannah Baker, a high school freshman, and the thirteen reasons why she commits suicide. Following her death, Hannah leaves behind a series of 7 double-sided cassette tapes detailing the 13 specific people and events that she blames for her demise. Two weeks after her death these cassette tapes are mailed out with directions to pass the tapes on to the next person on the tape. Hannah's life story is conveyed through these tapes, which are narrated by Hannah herself, and through the point of view of Clay, her classmate and the ninth person to receive the tapes. The inspiration behind the main character, Hannah Baker, comes from author Jay Asher's close relative who attempted suicide.Since the novel's publication in 2007, Thirteen Reasons Why has received much …

9 editions

# 13 reasons why, de Jay Asher

5 stars

Publié il y a déjà dix ans, ce best-seller s'est retrouvé récemment dans les boutiques françaises grâce à la [série Netflix du même nom]. J'avais vu quelques images de la série, mais c'est plutôt le livre qui m'a attiré. Il vaut toujours mieux lire le livre avant.

Teen Teen

Comme beaucoup d'histoires américaines, ca tourne autour d'une école avec des adolescents qui veulent être populaire, faire des fêtes dans des grandes villas, et avoir des amis à tout prix. Et si le pitch de la série vous l'a fait vaguement oublier, c'est pour nous lecteurs français assez important : même si vous regardez des imports américains régulièrement, ce système éducatif est une culture différente, qui peut vous sembler familier, mais qui ne vous dira surement jamais rien sur comment vivent nos ados en France.

Ce pitch, c'était quoi déjà ? Une adolescente est morte, et le bahut est en deuil. …

Review of 'Thirteen Reasons Why' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Wow. Just wow. What a rollercoaster. I couldn't put this book away, because I wanted to know what happened next. Yes, I too hated Hannah in the beginning and wondered why anyone would want to punish people this much, but in the end I kind of understood. I feel so sorry for Clay though and am heartbroken when I think about how he must feel.

Beautiful book, in my honest opinion. Thrilling, heartbreaking.

(One side note: you might have to get used to the way it's written. Following both Clays and Hannahs words can be hard in the beginning, but keep on reading, okay?.)

Review of 'Thirteen Reasons why' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I liked this book. I think that it deals with suicide honestly, and with compassion. It doesn't pass judgment, but points out how each of us can potentially help someone in need.

Not to say that the characters in the book don't pass judgment, but that's part of the author's point. And I think the Jay Asher does an admirable job showing how someone can lose hope, and how to outside observers that that loss of hope can be hard to spot, if not impossible to understand.

Review of 'Thirteen Reasons why' on 'Goodreads'

1 star

Antes de nada he de decir que el libro lo comencé recomendado por una amiga, a lo que, si añadimos que el tema me pareció inmensamente interesante, obtenemos las altas expectativas que tenía para con el libro. Y como siempre sucede con las altas expectativas, las mías no llegaron a satisfacerse ni de lejos. ¿Por qué? Pues por varias razones. No trece, pero sí varias. Y quizá de mayor peso que las de la propia Hannah. Porque, al menos para mí, los trece motivos que Hannah utiliza para justificar su suicidio, si es que tiene sentido justificar algo que has realizado con tanta preparación, parecen meros intentos de sostener una argumentación a todas luces precaria. En todo momento parece afirmar que no le quedaba otra opción y entreteje su enmarañada red de conexiones, construyendo un inmenso edificio, pero haciéndolo con papel de fumar, porque carece de consistencia.

Por otro lado, …

Review of 'Thirteen Reasons Why' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Thirteen Reasons Why
This book has been recommended to me so many times, so I knew I’d read it eventually. I reserved it at my local library (which, conveniently enough, is also my workplace). However, I was reading several books by the time it came in so it got put on my shelf and more-or-less forgotten about.

When I realised it was overdue (only by a day or two, don’t stress) and two reservations on, I thought I better prioritise and see if I could get through it in a couple of days.

I started reading it when I got home from work at 6pm. I read it while I cooked tea; while I ate tea; while my boyfriend watched Top Gear. Then at 9:30pm I had to stop because he needed Girlfriend Support. I picked it back up this morning and read it while I was getting ready for …

Review of 'Thirteen Reasons why' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

I... I'm not quite sure how I feel. I read it quite quickly. I liked it, but I feel like it was missing something. It has very dark, sad subject matter, but I loved the last book I read (Love Is the Higher Law) and it had sad subject matter as well. The difference between these two books, though, is that I finished Love Is the Higher Law - and even It's Kind of a Funny Story, which is also about a suicidal teen - feeling uplifted, and I finished this feeling like I just read a good story, but emotionally deflated. I suppose that's fitting though. It's real.

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