Giovanni's Room

Paperback, 169 pages

Published Aug. 5, 1956 by Vintage International.

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4 stars (30 reviews)

Giovanni's Room is a 1956 novel by James Baldwin. The book focuses on the events in the life of an American man living in Paris and his feelings and frustrations with his relationships with other men in his life, particularly an Italian bartender named Giovanni whom he meets at a Parisian gay bar. Giovanni's Room is noteworthy for bringing complex representations of homosexuality and bisexuality to a reading public with empathy and artistry, thereby fostering a broader public discourse of issues regarding same-sex desire.

22 editions

Review of "Giovanni's Room" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Nederlands (English below)

Giovanni’s Room (1956) is een ontroerend verhaal over een Amerikaan in Frankrijk: jong, vrij en blut, verloofd met een meisje dat door Spanje reist, verliefd op een barman met een kamer in Parijs. Dankzij de onberispelijke pen van James Baldwin (1924-1987) is de atmosfeer dromerig maar bedompt: waar vrijheid lonkt, drukken sociale verwachtingen. In het voorwoord is opgemerkt dat Baldwin’s uitgever niet stond te springen om het boek uit te brengen en van een ‘professional suicide note’ sprak. De schrijver bevestigde er echter zijn naam mee: Giovanni’s Room is in veel opzichten de voorloper van moderne klassiekers als [b:Call Me By Your Name|36336078|Call Me By Your Name (Call Me By Your Name, #1)|André Aciman||1363157].

Om te beginnen is al veel te zeggen over hoofdpersoon David. Ogenschijnlijk is hij wat sullig: ontwijkend, weifelachtig en niet bepaald vooruitstrevend.

I had decided to allow no …

Review of "Giovanni's Room" on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

It is a stunning and gut wrenching piece of literature about the horrible effect of homophobia and gender stereotyping. For me it left a bit of a bitter aftertaste that while male characters were granted more layers and depth in their struggles, female characters were almost turned into parodies which could be read as stereotyping in itself...

Review of "Giovanni's Room" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

This is a tragedy! No spoiler there because it’s clear within the first few pages.

In some ways it reminds me of Real Life by Brandon Taylor, perhaps because I just read that. A lot of damaged people hurting each other and not communicating very well.

David’s journey is so sad but relatable beyond his specific experience. I think we’ve all had some major self-deception projects at points in our lives, with awful results.

One of the things about this book that struck me is that while as a reader I wanted David to come to acceptance of his sexuality, I didn’t want him to be with Giovanni. Giovanni’s possession of David is real problematic. I’m not sure if that’s what Baldwin wanted me to think. And David is honestly no good for Giovanni, he leads him on. But I think part of what this book highlights is how finding …

Review of "Giovanni's Room" on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

There lurks in each of us, I feel, a chameleon. This chameleon is called 'The Conformist'. The chameleon allows us to modify ourselves, infinitesimally or in larger, more visible degrees, to adapt to a situation, a scenario or an event. Sure, to remain unchanged is to be perceived as resistant to change, or worse, resisting change, insofar as change is seen as a positive. But does our changing nature permit us some semblance of gravity at our innermost core? Can we dare define ourselves, put a label to ourselves?

[b:Giovanni’s Room|38462|Giovanni’s Room|James Baldwin||814207] cuts to the heart of this dilemma. David, the protagonist is an American, but he is in Paris in the 1950s, attempting to be un-American. He is in love with Giovanni, a tempestuous, wilful Italian man, but he is also in love with Hella, an American woman. He is in love, but he is also …

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