
English language

Published Feb. 27, 2002

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4 stars (41 reviews)

Fingersmith is a 2002 historical crime novel set in Victorian-era Britain by Sarah Waters.

4 editions

A fabulous pastiche

5 stars

Set in Victorian era London the novel is a wickedly fabulous pastiche of the overly melodramatic literary style of the period and includes one of the best plot twists I have read in ages. Waters has created a varied cast of Dickensian characters, none of whom I would trust as far as I could throw them, and I also loved her scene-setting. The faded glamour of Briar House, the dingy terrace of Lant Street, and the terrors of the asylum all became very real as I kept reading. My favourite part of Fingersmith was the dual viewpoint. Seeing scenes that we thought we already knew, but now through a completely different lens provided great tension and I appreciated how each character had a distinctive voice so it was easy to follow their take on the story. Occasionally Fingersmith did feel a tad overlong, but generally the writing kept to a …

Review of 'Fingersmith' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

At 10% read, I thought I might DNF this one. The first 10% is trash and unnecessary. Even though all the same characters come back later, we didn't need them in the beginning. Or a lot less of them would have been sufficient.

I feel like this author read too much Virginia Woolf and embodies all the writing style of both Woolf and Atwood that I cannot stand. I really hate the writing style. I hate all the characters. The main storyteller for Part 1 only shoed some actual character after took 10% of the book. The language drive me up a wall and while I get that the language is trying to be accurate to the time, though I'm not sure what specific time this is, just in the past long enough for maids to be needed. But the language is too much of a stretch. Maybe it's because …

Review of 'Fingersmith' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Viktorianische Untaten, über die ich aus Spoilervermeidungsgründen nicht viel sagen kann, aber es geht natürlich um Verbrechen, Leidenschaft, erhebliche Erbschaften, Waisenkinder, Mord und Heiratsschwindelei. Aufgeschrieben von einer Autorin, die sich zum Glück nicht für den stilistischen Unfug interessiert, der mit solchen Geschichten oft einhergeht. Wie selten kennt sich jemand mit Plot UND Stil UND Erzähltechnik aus! Dieses Buch ist nicht nur mit einer attraktiven Leseprobe furniert, sondern massiv: wer die Leseprobe mag, kann unbesorgt weiterlesen, es bleibt so.

(Am besten vorher keine Rezensionen lesen, es macht mehr Spaß, wenn die Überraschungen auch Überraschungen sind.)

Review of 'Fingersmith' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

We who read Mad Magazine from the 50s already knew that it's crackers to slip a rozzer the dropsy in snide, a phrase which Wikipedia tells me is from a novel of the 1930s by Margery Allingham called [b:The Fashion in Shrouds|76637|The Fashion in Shrouds (Albert Campion Mystery #10)|Margery Allingham||1934014] which is now on my to-read list. Fingersmith opens in Victorian London among people who talk like this. I enjoyed its Dickensian tale of secrets and social commentary, and was totally taken by surprise at the first big twist. None the less, I preferred the less flashy [b:The Paying Guests|20821087|The Paying Guests|Sarah Waters||26164907] by the same author (unlike, it appears, most goodreads reviewers).

Review of 'Fingersmith' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

There should be a sequel to this that consists of nothing but Maud and Sue frolicking around London and Briar together, giggling all the while, and Maud teaching Sue to read with Maud's own lesbian porn which both inspires and is inspired by their own sexytimes. Later they adopt some fat babies.

Review of 'Fingersmith' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I went cross eyed reading this entire book in a day. A riveting, well crafted fascinating book! Some reviewer said it was something like a racy lesbian Oliver Twist, but I would take it over Oliver Twist any day, and I like Dickens. This book was just more exciting without the Dickensian maudlin social commentary and mostly static characters...The plot twists were thrilling and the ending gave me goosebumps. verdict: good times!

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