Under the Dome

First Scribner hardcover edition, 1074 pages

English language

Published Nov. 10, 2009 by Scribner.

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4 stars (119 reviews)

Under the Dome is the story of the small town of Chester's Mill, Maine which is inexplicably and suddenly sealed off from the rest of the world by an invisible force field. No one can get in and no one can get out.

When food, electricity and water run short, the normal rules of society are changed. A new and more sinister social order develops, Dale Barbara, a young Iraq veteran, teams up with a handful of intrepid citizens to fight against the corruption that is sweeping through the town and to try to discover the source of the Dome before it is too late...

48 editions

Review of 'Under the Dome' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Acabo esta história com alívio. Não apenas por finalmente ter vencido esta besta, mas também por conta das cenas sufocantes que precedem o final.

Fico maravilhado com a capacidade de uma pessoa conseguir construir tamanha história, com dezenas de personagens e acontecimentos emaranhados super bem descritos, envolventes e, por vezes, viscerais.

Mesmo assim, devo assumir que pra mim foi um desafio grande ir até o fim. Pessoalmente tenho extrema dificuldade em lembrar nomes - não só em leituras, mas na vida mesmo - e em uma história como essa, com zilhões de nomes, me peguei muitas e muitas vezes tentando lembrar quem era quem, o que me tirou um pouco o prazer de acompanhar esta história.

Outro ponto, foi o fato de ser muito, muito longo mesmo. Achei o ritmo muito arrastado e me peguei forçando para seguir, principalmente no final, diferente de "A Zona Morta", que achei na medida …

Review of 'Under the Dome' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

If you don't control your temper, your temper will control you.

Stephen King is no stranger to putting more or less ordinary people in strange situations and let them deal with it. This book follows a similar recipe, cutting off a small town from the rest of the world completely. A drifter ex-soldier as one of the main heroes is not a novel idea. Neither is the"island" idea of being cut off from rest of the world. And of course neither is a despot trying to take over his little corner of the world. Put it all together and you get Under the dome.Looking back at the story, the villains are quite easy to identify early on. But their slow change from small-town jerks to full on villains is nevertheless quite a thing to watch. I kept asking (and still wonder) why and how would ordinary people let someone grab …

Review of 'Under the Dome' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I wanted to rate this book three stars and then four stars and then three stars again and I figured it was a tie, and as we all know tie goes to the runner so four stars it is.

This is not a story specific spoiler, but a more Stephen King in general spoiler. Stephen King, being a prototypical pantser (someone who writes by the seat of their pants with no outline), again comes to a soft landing at the end of this book. The characters are vivid and it is a page turner, if a bit loosely-goosey in the plot department.

Review of 'Under the Dome' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

If GoodReads allowed it, I'd give thus book a 4.5, but I'll round it up because it was closer to 5 than 4. I really liked this one. It's big, but its a quick read, and I love the huge cast that King takes on to give us all these points of view under the dome.

Review of 'Under the Dome' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The perfect blend of satirical, entertaining, and terrifying. It certainly didn't feel 1,000+ pages long, though there were some seemingly extraneous scenes I just skipped over. I also thought the ending was...odd. All of a sudden too metaphorical and paranormal-y to fit with the tone of the rest of the book. Although I certainly am in no position to criticize the King, and I'm not sure how I would have ended it more satisfactorily...

Review of 'Under the Dome' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars


This was the first book of Stephen King's that I've read. I loved the way he played with words, played with the reader, and immersed the reader into the story. The cast of characters was huge, and King handled them masterfully. I was constantly impressed with his ruthlessness. The book begins and ends with killing, gore, and horror. The idea of a city being isolated from the rest of the world by an impenetrable, invisible dome is unique and entertaining. King did a great job exploring the possible consequences of an event like that, exploring the nature of human fear especially. The main villain became more and more horrifically inhuman as the novel went on (before dying a completely human death). The reader was taken to the very edges of hope and pulled along toward the end, constantly wondering how King was going to pull this off. Several times …

Review of 'Under the Dome' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I'm not a huge fan of Stephen King by I have enjoyed some of his work in the past. Under the Dome is an alarmingly large book, which made the audio version of it an ideal way to read.

King is a craftsman and despite the length of the book he keeps things moving fast. It doesn't feel long while you're reading it. You also don't really notice any flaws until you have time to think about it afterwards.

And there are a few flaws in this story of a small town suddenly stuck under a mysterious invisible force field. The rate at which things escalate and the scale of the disasters are a little hard to credit when looked at calmly. The number of coincidences required to make everything work stretches credibility.

But King deftly side steps this by presenting us with a tense situation and just squeezing tighter …

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  • Maine--Fiction.