Wir sind Götter

Roman , #2

eBook, 448 pages

German language

Published Oct. 11, 2018 by Penguin Random House.

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4 stars (161 reviews)

Eigentlich hat Bob Johansson nie an ein Leben nach dem Tod geglaubt. Als er nach einem tödlichen Autounfall als Künstliche Intelligenz eines Raumschiffes wieder erwacht, ist er natürlich geschockt. Doch damit nicht genug - er ist der intelligente Computer von Neuman Probe, das heißt er wurde tausendfach repliziert. Bob und seine Kopien werden ausgeschickt, um in den Tiefen des Weltalls nach neuen, bewohnbaren Planeten zu suchen. Dabei stoßen sie nicht nur auf ein primitives Alien-Volk, das sie als Götter verehrt, sondern auch auf eine feindliche Spezies, die droht, die Erde anzugreifen - und die Bobs sind die Einzigen, die sie noch aufhalten können...

3 editions

Review of 'For We Are Many' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Where the first book dealt largely with the question of humanity, the second deals a lot with the concept of immortality and what that transition would look like. It's absolutely stunningly a joy to read. Much like the first book, there's a kind of persistent optimism that persists all the way through. Even though so so much goes wrong, there's still a constant and consistent attempt to better the galaxy and the people around the Bobs. It's just a great thing to read.

Review of 'For We Are Many' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Colonization requires splitting the hive. Splitting the hive means a new Prime. A new Prime and another hive means war. This does not benefit us. Better to simply collect resources so that the hive can grow.

For We Are Many is a strong followup to the Bobiverse as it continues to advance the story and maintain an enjoyable level of humour and science fiction.

I am really enjoying this series as Taylor took an intriguing thought experiment and has built a story around exploring that concept. The ramifications of interacting with civilization (against the Prime Directive) and a balance of how much, or how little, intervention is a good thing.

Bobiverse continues to be an easy but engaging read. I find myself asking some very heavy existential questions and am eager to keep on reading.

Review of 'For We Are Many' on 'Storygraph'

2 stars

The premisse of the series is good and the story is well written from a content point of view.

But the author has a problem that continues in this book from book 1, and will probably continue in book 3: The addition of instant communication not being in the books from the start.

The books should have been written in a way that took that in to account, but instead we now end up with chapters that jump backwards and forwards in time, taking little to no account for who is in the chapters.

As an example, there is a series of chapters where you start with Bob-1 getting FTL communication and getting in touch with the others, then a chapter that is a decade+ into the future where Bob-1 is contacted by someone else about a topic, then the very next chapter we are a decade+ back in time …

Really loved all 3 books and it kept me away from sleep because I had to read

5 stars

It's really good. The series is about the sentience "Bob" which is uploaded into a self-replicating spacecraft and then travels the galaxys, helps the humans, ... etc. I won't go into spoilers here. The topic of "artifical" versus "natural" intelligence plays a major role in the books and "Bob" is confronted with many situations in which he feels very human and/or very computer and/or struggles with the line between the two.

The pacing is very well done. The book overall is well-crafted and VERY WELL RESEARCHED. Yes it's still fiction but I'd say 98%+ of the book is based on real & possible physics.

Really loved all 3 books and it kept me away from sleep because I had to read

5 stars

It's really good. The series is about the sentience "Bob" which is uploaded into a self-replicating spacecraft and then travels the galaxys, helps the humans, ... etc. I won't go into spoilers here. The topic of "artifical" versus "natural" intelligence plays a major role in the books and "Bob" is confronted with many situations in which he feels very human and/or very computer and/or struggles with the line between the two.

The pacing is very well done. The book overall is well-crafted and VERY WELL RESEARCHED. Yes it's still fiction but I'd say 98%+ of the book is based on real & possible physics.

Review of 'For We Are Many' on 'Goodreads'

No rating

Gah, delayed writing the review a bit, and now I've started book 3 and have trouble distinguishing, what happened in which.
My biggest fear after finishing book 1 was that it'd be really hard to follow it up reasonably, either you have to go in exponentially many directions or make the interesting things seam unreasonably small. And the end of the first book showed a tendency to go space-opera-y, action-y, which was not the thing I liked about the first book.
This book does feel a bit like there's probably holes in places, but I'm not staring anywhere for long enough to spot them. And it features an idea I wasn't aware of (mostly because I've never bothered to find out anything about Fermi's paradox).
To be honest, I was entertained in a quite scy-fi-y (exploration of ideas) way. It's no hard sci-fi, I don't think, but it's not space …

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