
Paperback, 220 pages

English language

Published Sept. 6, 2005 by Penguin (Non-Classics).

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4 stars (64 reviews)

Set in post-apartheid South Africa, J. M. Coetzee’s searing novel tells the story of David Lurie, a twice divorced, 52-year-old professor of communications and Romantic Poetry at Cape Technical University. Lurie believes he has created a comfortable, if somewhat passionless, life for himself. He lives within his financial and emotional means. Though his position at the university has been reduced, he teaches his classes dutifully; and while age has diminished his attractiveness, weekly visits to a prostitute satisfy his sexual needs. He considers himself happy. However, when Lurie seduces one of his students, he sets in motion a chain of events that will shatter his complacency and leave him utterly disgraced.

33 editions


4 stars

Es una novela durísima en la que el lector ha de estar dispuesto a lidiar con temas tan espinosos como la cultura de la violación, el abuso de poder sobre menores, el machismo omnipresente, el racismo estructural y su contrapartida en forma de violencia, también racial. Muchas de estas cuestiones, además, están transitadas sobre la línea, en el terreno de los grises.

Es decir, que bien, lo que se dice bien, pues uno no lo pasa leyéndola… Es una historia que pone en aprietos morales, que remueve y que nos presenta una cara de la sociedad dramática y terrible, con un punto de vista de triste resignación. También es una novela sobre un momento y un lugar en transformación (Sudáfrica en los años 90) y sobre cómo un hecho fortuito puede cambiar tu vida.

Está narrada en tercera persona y se da voz a un personaje con una ética muy …


4 stars

Es una novela durísima en la que el lector ha de estar dispuesto a lidiar con temas tan espinosos como la cultura de la violación, el abuso de poder, el machismo omnipresente, el racismo estructural y su contrapartida en forma de violencia, también racial. Muchas de estas cuestiones, además, están transitadas sobre la línea, en el terreno de los grises.

Es decir, que bien, lo que se dice bien, pues uno no lo pasa leyéndola… Es una historia que pone en aprietos morales, que remueve y que nos presenta una cara de la sociedad dramática y terrible, con un punto de vista de triste resignación. También es una novela sobre un momento y un lugar en transformación (Sudáfrica en los años 90) y sobre cómo un hecho fortuito puede cambiar tu vida.

Está narrada en tercera persona y se da voz a un personaje con una ética muy cuestionable, lo …

An insightful glimpse into South Africa at a time of great change

4 stars

I was surprised by how much I ended up caring about David Lurie by the end of Disgrace because he is a very unlikable man. Used to taking for granted his 'natural superiority' simply for having been born white and male, as South Africa changes around him, he finds himself increasingly left behind and ridiculed. We first meet Lurie at his weekly visit to a prostitute who he later tracks down away from her work and is amazed that she doesn't want to see him privately. The University's request that he publicly acknowledge his abuse of power seems to baffle him and I loved the meeting scene where he repeatedly dismisses their demands, giving the impression that any criticism of his behaviour, especially from the women on the committee, is beneath his contempt. I know men who think and react just like this! And once away to Lucy's farm, David's …

Nuestras miserias

No rating

Si hace varios años a alguna persona bien aficionada a la lectura se le hubiera ocurrido hablarme de Coetzze, mi respuesta me habría dejado absolutamente en ridículo poniendo al descubierto mi tosquedad literaria: -¿Qué es un nuevo sabor de helado?

Por fortuna para mí, otro tosco amigo, en variadas ocasiones ironizaba con sarcasmo en mi presencia sobre la tesis doctoral de su futura (y actual) esposa sobre ni Dios sabe qué escritor sudafricano. Los rebotes de ella eran manifiestos y, como soy en extremo curioso y muy dado a conocer lo desconocido, le pregunté por el nombre, sus obras, su vida y me faltó exigirle sus medidas anatómicas: J. M. Coetzze. También por fortuna para mí, Marichús, que se llama la susodicha, me tiene en alta estima en lo referente a mi bagaje cultural y, ni corta ni perezosa, me regaló "Desgracia". Tardé en leerlo algo más de lo que …

Review of 'Disgrace' on 'Storygraph'

4 stars

Giving Up might be a more accurate title to this novel.

This is the first novel I've read where I didn't want to visit the place.

The novel starts with a supposed disgrace, which doesn't seem so bad. David Laurie, the main character has an affair with his student and covers up her absences and mid-term grade for her. So teachers have been doing that since the Gymnasium in classical Greece, but post-apartheid South African went all the way to left and this some terrible crime as if the last 200 years didn't exist.

So David goes to visit his downwardly mobile lesbian daughter who lives on a "smallholding" which was at one time an attempt at a hippie commune, but now ist just her on the farm. He bought it for her. She operates a dog kennel and sells goods at a farmer's market to get by. She is …

Review of 'Disgrace' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

'Interesting' and 'challenging'. It was a difficult book to read. Depressing to watch everything possible go wrong, with a sense that none of the characters had the power or the will to change matters. There was no resolution, and not much in the way of character development, and we struggled desparately to find some small measure of redemption in the book. And where was the disgrace of the title anyway. David's affair with the student wasn't all that bad. Lucy's rape? (Carolyn admitted that she had been involved in a scandal at the U of Montana 4 decades ago, when she, a graduate student, had an affair with a prof. But they've now been married for 40 years, so one can say that it all worked out.)

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