Hardcover, 478 pages

Spanish language

Published March 20, 2004 by Planeta.

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4 stars (136 reviews)

Un amanecer de 1945, un muchacho es conducido por su padre a un misterioso lugar oculto en el corazón de la ciudad vieja: el Cementerio de los Libros Olvidados. Allí, Daniel Sempere encuentra un libro maldito que cambia el rumbo de su vida y le arrastra a un laberinto de intrigas y secretos enterrados en el alma oscura de la ciudad. La Sombra del Viento es un misterio literario ambientado en la Barcelona de la primera mitad del siglo xx, desde los últimos esplendores del Modernismo hasta las tinieblas de la posguerra.

Aunando las técnicas del relato de intriga y suspense, la novela histórica y la comedia de costumbres, La Sombra del Viento es sobre todo una trágica historia de amor cuyo eco se proyecta a través del tiempo. Con gran fuerza narrativa, el autor entrelaza tramas y enigmas a modo de muñecas rusas en un inolvidable relato sobre los …

39 editions

Review of 'The Shadow of the Wind' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars


This novel was recently chosen by my book club, and while I read it in 2014, I remembered very little and decided to re-read it. I soon remembered what made it so forgettable: It’s an entertaining, plot-driven whodunnit that would probably make a good movie, but it doesn’t have the lasting “oomph” of great literature. The last 10% or so descends Into a tough-to-believe gothic romance, with levels of melodrama that quickly become tiresome. I raced through it, eager to get to the next twist in the plot or resolution of a story-within-a-story, but as soon as it was finished, I mostly forgot it again.


I feel like if I had read this book when I was 20, it would have been one of my lifelong favorites. But as an adult, I find the page-turner of a mystery to be overshadowed by the lack of realism …

Review of 'The Shadow of the Wind' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

My father left this book at my house with the comment, "I can't get into this one, maybe you'll like it."

So with that glowing recommendation, it sat on my shelf for months, until I needed something to pack for a long-haul flight to Europe, and so it found its way into my luggage -- not without some misgivings on my part. "I'm boarding a ten-hour flight with no wifi and no seat-back TV," I texted a friend before taking off. "I only have one book with me, so here's hoping it's not too awful."

Suffice to say that, as far as my packing decisions go, I have no regrets. The blurb that compares it to Alexandre Dumas written by Umberto Eco by way of Jorge Luis Borges wasn't too far off the mark.

It is not without its flaws, but I forgive it those because I'm easily won over …

Review of 'The Shadow of the Wind' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Lorsque j'ai dit que j'avais commencé à lire "L'Ombre du vent" de l'écrivain espagnol Carlos Ruiz Zafón, nombreux ont été ceux qui m'ont dit qu'ils avaient adoré ce livre et qu'il y avait de fortes chances qu'il en soit de même pour moi. Le résumé en quatrième de couverture me laissait en tout cas espérer de belles choses :

Dans la Barcelone de l'après-guerre civile, par un matin brumeux de 1945, un homme emmène son petit garçon – Daniel Sempere, le narrateur – dans un lieu mystérieux du quartier gothique : le Cimetière des Livres Oubliés. L'enfant est ainsi convié par son père à un étrange rituel qui se transmet de génération en génération : il doit y « adopter » un volume parmi des centaines de milliers. Là, il rencontre le livre qui va changer le cours de sa vie et l'entraîner dans un labyrinthe d'aventures et de secrets …

Review of 'The Shadow of the Wind' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Set in post-war Barcelona (WWII and Spanish Civil War), The Shadow of the Wind is a magnificently gothic tale about many things, but at the heart of it is the love of books. Hidden in Barcelona is an old and sacred place called The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, known only to the city’s rare book dealers and a select few people they invite over the years. It’s exactly what it sounds like: a home for books that the world has long forgotten. Each person brought to the library is invited to choose a book from its labyrinthine shelves. That book is then theirs to care for and, thus, no longer forgotten. We follow Daniel, the main character of this tale (and the series), as his father introduces him to the library on his eleventh birthday.

“This is a place of mystery, Daniel, a sanctuary. Every book, every volume you see …

Review of 'The Shadow of the Wind' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

The Cemetary of Forgotten Books is one of the most romantic concepts I've come across in quite awhile, and it is in this fantastic place that a young Daniel Sempere finds a book written by Julien Carax called The Shadow of the Wind, and vows to protect it forever.

However, there is a mysterious man lurking about who is on a mission to burn every one of Carax's novels, and is trying to intimidate Daniel into giving up his copy. As Daniel becomes obsessed with learning more about the author, his life starts to parallel Carax's. What his research unearths about Carax's life, and the consequences it has for himself and others, unfolds beautifully in this nicely-paced, intriguing mystery.

I also enjoyed the smokey atmosphere of the book and the intrigue that surrounded the lives of the previous generation. The use of flashback, and the parallel stories of two generations …

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  • Young men -- Spain -- Barcelona -- Fiction
  • Antiquarian booksellers -- Spain -- Barcelona -- Fiction
  • Mothers and sons -- Spain -- Barcelona -- Fiction
  • Widowers -- Spain -- Barcelona -- Fiction
  • Books -- Spain -- Barcelona -- Fiction
  • Rare books -- Spain -- Barcelona -- Fiction
  • Jóvenes (Hombres) -- España -- Barcelona -- Ficción
  • Libreros anticuarios -- España -- Barcelona -- Ficción
  • Madres e hijos -- España -- Barcelona -- Ficción
  • Viudos -- España -- Barcelona -- Ficción
  • Libros -- España -- Barcelona -- Ficción
  • Libros raros -- España -- Barcelona -- Ficción
  • Novela de misterio
  • Barcelona (Spain) -- Fiction
  • Barcelona (España) -- Ficción
