The Apocalypse Codex

400 pages

English language

Published Dec. 19, 2012 by Little, Brown Book Group Limited.

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4 stars (68 reviews)

"For outstanding heroism in the field (despite himself), computational demonologist Bob Howard is on the fast track for promotion to management within the Laundry, the supersecret British government agency tasked with defending the realm from occult threats. Assigned to External Assets, Bob discovers the company--unofficially--employs freelance agents to deal with sensitive situations that may embarrass Queen and Country. So when Ray Schiller--an American televangelist with the uncanny ability to miraculously heal the ill--becomes uncomfortably close to the Prime Minister, External Assets dispatches the brilliant, beautiful, and entirely unpredictable Persephone Hazard to infiltrate the Golden Promise Ministry and discover why the preacher is so interested in British politics. And it's Bob's job to make sure Persephone doesn't cause an international incident. But it's a supernatural incident that Bob needs to worry about--a global threat even the Laundry may be unable to clean up.."--

5 editions

Review of 'The apocalypse codex' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

Bob Howard, supernatural IT guy slash reluctant field agent, is a fun character to follow. Even still, I’ve been slow to read this series, which is now nine books long. In fact, I read book three in 2011 and originally started the series way back in 2007.

I think it helps to understand that the Laundry Files began as a parody of British spy novels, and then Stross either felt restricted by that premise or grew bored with it, so slowly but surely rejiggered it into something else, eventually turning it into a reliable yearly release.

This book felt a bit transitional, possibly because of that shift. From what I remember of the earlier books, Bob was generally at the forefront of the story, driving events and saving the day. In this volume, Stross introduces a few new viewpoint characters and Bob is in a more reactive role. He’s still …

Review of 'The apocalypse codex' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

By now you should know what to expect from a Laundry novel. Bob gets called in to investigate a strange situation, it all goes horribly awry, & he finds himself outnumbered and outgunned. And the fate of the world is on the line.

This time around, Bob goes to America to look into an “Evangelical” minister. One of those guys with a megachurch & whathaveyou. He’s there in a supervisory context, on loan to the Externals department (yeah, Bob hadn’t heard of those guys either). As you can probably guess, the minister is in fact trying to summon Lovecraftian horrors. And Bob & his “externals” have to stop the threat.

If you haven’t read any earlier Laundry novels, this is NOT the place to start. Stross doesn’t slow down to explain the workings of the Laundry universe or the Laundry itself. You will be confused & lost. It’s better to …

Review of 'The apocalypse codex' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

Charles Stross' Laundry Files books are always great fun to read, and this latest one is no exception- in fact, for me it's the best yet. If you've read the others (and if you haven't, I'd recommend starting with The Atrocity Archives, although Stross does do a good job of making each one self-contained), you'll know the drill by now - spy thriller meets Lovecraftian horror, and of course, hijinks ensure. The main series' protagonist, Bob Howard, is joined in this instalment by two 'external assets', who are fun and fascinating characters in their own right. Highly recommended.

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