
Paperback, 278 pages

Spanish language

Published June 29, 2006 by Joaquin Moritz / Emece.

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4 stars (44 reviews)

A collection of his short stories in which Borges often uses the labyrinth as a literary device to expound his ideas on all aspects of human life and endeavor.

Contains: Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius

45 editions

reviewed Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges (Obras completas de Jorge Luis Borges)

"La secta del fénix"

No rating

No voy a introducir a Borges porque todos sabemos algo de él, es ciertamente un autor muy singular y con un estilo propio, en algunos sentidos comparable a Italo Calvino o Umberto Eco.

El cuento es muy borgeano en su estilo, cada frase está llena de referencias culturales y de misterio.

Sin embargo, no es borgeano su tema, por lo que quienes no lo han leído no suelen prever que Borges sería capaz de escribir algo así.

Me parece una muestra más de que ese autor vino al mundo para sorprender

Leímos "La secta del fénix" en la edición número 38 de nuestro Club de #LecturaMastodontica


reviewed Ficciones by Jorge Luis Borges (Obras completas de Jorge Luis Borges)

Imposible de abarcar, pero necesario intentarlo.

5 stars

Es una obra inabarcable, llena de infinitos, de paradojas y de caminos sin salida. Al leerlo da la impresión de que más de la mitad de lo que contiene se te ha escapado entre líneas. Esa sensación deja un regusto amargo, pero es imprescindible intentarlo. Obra maestra fuera de toda categoría.

Review of 'Ficciones' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

I wasn't sure how to read this. My only clue was a quote by Ursula LeGuin describing Gene Wolfe as "Our Borges". I was unsure which references were real, which were fabricated, what was history and what was fable. I chose not to read literally and instead just let the words wash over me. Sentences often barely connected to context, I can't imagine I will ever be able to fully understand what is going on and I don't believe that I am supposed to. Even the most assiduous and erudite reader will have to give up on any expectation of groking the entirety. There are contradictions to make this impossible. Like Wolfe, I find the work enjoyable to read but am unsatisfied by the feeling I surely missed something. No doubt, for some, the answer is re-reading the work perhaps many times. Each reading would be different based upon your …

Review of 'Ficciones (English Translation)' on Goodreads

4 stars

Great imagination and succinct storytelling - obvious parallels to Lem's A Perfect Vacuum. As the author apologizes for (and so what to think?) the first half is better than the second, 5 stars for the famous ones there (Orbis Tertius, Pierre Menard, The Garden of Forking Paths).

Review of 'Ficciones' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

I see Borges as a bit of a mad scientist. Post-modern before it was cool, Ficciones is a couple of short stories but wow - what a punch. The dedication to the short form leaves a lot of room for setting up something interesting and letting it grow, building a frame of a world. In a way it's like a little shard of of a crystal that's he's made, just so, that when it enters your mind it expands and crystallizes into a whole world view. Each story, though brief, suggests something much bigger and leaves it unsaid.

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  • Classics
  • Short Stories (single author)
  • General
  • Philosophy
  • Fiction - General
  • Spanish: Adult Nonfiction
