Heart Of Darkness

English language

Published July 30, 2007

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3 stars (193 reviews)

Heart of Darkness (1899) is a novella by Polish-English novelist Joseph Conrad about a narrated voyage up the Congo River into the Congo Free State in the Heart of Africa. Charles Marlow, the narrator, tells his story to friends aboard a boat anchored on the River Thames. This setting provides the frame for Marlow's story of his obsession with the successful ivory trader Kurtz. Conrad offers parallels between London ("the greatest town on earth") and Africa as places of darkness.Central to Conrad's work is the idea that there is little difference between "civilised people" and "savages." Heart of Darkness implicitly comments on imperialism and racism.Originally issued as a three-part serial story in Blackwood's Magazine to celebrate the thousandth edition of the magazine, Heart of Darkness has been widely re-published and translated into many languages. It provided the inspiration for Francis Ford Coppola's 1979 film Apocalypse Now. In 1998, the Modern …

12 editions

Review of 'Heart of Darkness' on 'Goodreads'

2 stars

Conflicting feelings about this book.

There's a lot that I did like about it. I liked the story and the meandering structure of it.

I liked the darkness of it.

I liked how dammit it was of colonialism.

But I did not enjoy the writing style very much. I felt overwhelmingly like I didn't know who was saying what, who they were saying it to, what they were referring to.

This feeling grew more and more as the book went on and I suppose that's more or less the point isn't it - that we're feeling the descent into the madness of the narrator. But it was just a challenging read for me, and without enough reward to pay off the effort.

I really wanted to like this book. It's a classic isn't it? You're supposed to like it. Everyone talks about how great it is. But I just couldn't …

Review of 'Heart of Darkness' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, I found Conrad’s prose poetry writing style difficult to adapt to. The paragraphs are incredibly long, and the narration is interjected by tangential thoughts. Moreover, it jumps from event to event and location to location, days or even months apart, abruptly and often mid-paragraph, and many times I would not realize it until a page later. Once I got past that, however, I did enjoy the story and the fascinating world Conrad paints. Although I recognized some, I didn’t pick up on as much social commentary for which the novella is known; but perhaps it was because I was struggling so much navigating through the book itself.

Review of 'Heart of Darkness' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I feel that the quotes I encountered from the book beforehand were from a story that was more compelling than the one I actually read.

The prose at its best is incredible, at its worst wordy. It does verge I think towards the purple, but when it hits, it hits hard. "It echoed loudly within him because he was hollow at the core." The sheer imagery in that, the whole psychology and emotions expressed. Conrad has a gift for crafting psychological images.

Marlow carries the story on his back. Kurtz could have been more interesting, but I don't know, I like Marlow better.

I think I would have liked a series of stories where it's just Marlow telling all his experiences as a sailor. Like Moby Dick, but only focused on the sailor as the world transitioned from the age of sails to that of steam. Descriptions of the hierarchy …

Review of 'Heart of Darkness' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

This is one of those books of two halves. First half was very dull, very little happens and you really have to keep battling to get past it. The second half turns into a real dark adventure as we hear more about and get closer to the elusive Mr Kurtz.

Whilst reading it I had this nagging feeling that things felt a bit familiar....as soon as Mr Kurtz's house is found it hit me, very similar to the movie "Apocalypse Now" turns out the movie was based on the book, I never knew that.

I suspect that the slow moving dull first half was supposed to be like that to build up the tension or something, it may have worked better for me if it wasn't so long.

Still it was an interesting read and it's another one of the supposed "classics" crossed off my reading list. :-)

Review of 'Heart of Darkness' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

This guy learned English as an adult and writes so well, I don't feel worthy to review him. I was assigned this book in Freshman English and I couldn't read it then. I couldn't read all that much back then, but finally I'm up to the level of a college freshman.

So here's the idea. Civilization, and sanity is all a lie, as are books and book reviews. Behind it all is an unspeakable reality--an unspeakable horror, and of that which one cannot speak, one must remain silent. Freud's version of this was the ego and the id, or, to translate his German differently, the I and the It. The I suppresses the It. It does this in the name of civilization, but the I is not really in charge. The It drives it from below to force it to carry out it's secret lusts but they are disguised.

The …

Review of 'Heart of Darkness' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

It's a precious thing to be able to read a 115-year-old story, and one which is based on personal experience, at that. This novella sheds an unflattering light on imperialism, a culture of greed that led some men to travel to foreign places to mistreat, torture, and murder the natives and sometimes each other. Specifically, it recounts the tale of Charles Marlowe, who had had the experience of sailing down the Congo River, in the employ of an ivory trading company, in search of an agent named Mr. Kurtz, who is known to be very ill. Marlowe hears much about this man, but when he actually meets Kurtz, it is obvious that all he has left is his voice; Kurtz has become devoid of any qualities he might have had in his life. He is already dead. Marlowe returns to England a very disillusioned young man, having witnessed the full …

Review of 'Heart of Darkness' on 'Goodreads'

3 stars

I had a hard time getting through this novella at first and if it wouldn't have been an obligatory read for my English studies for sure I would have stopped reading after a while. It just felt like a long boring story to me... and although it was only 60 pages in total I thought I would never get to the finish line of it. It got better though! more

Review of 'Heart of Darkness' on 'Goodreads'

4 stars

While Apocalypse Now gave me a vague idea of what to expect in the original novella, Heart of Darkness still ended up pleasantly surprising me.

This book can be best summed up with two key words: tension and intensity. Heart of Darkness reads almost like a Gothic horror novel, with a creepy sense of uneasiness and isolation that grows over time.

After narrator Marlowe arrives in Africa, the reader is treated to a continuous series of vignettes showing the brutal reality of slavery and the methods used to keep the ivory trade going. African characters are presented as bestial savages, but the white characters Marlowe encounters are also contemptible without exception. They're brutal thugs, incompetent stuffed shirts, or conniving cheats. They stand in stark contrast to Kurtz, an almost mythical figure spoken of with awe, fear, and jealousy. With mechanical failures and hostile natives, Marlowe's steamboat trip grows more and …

Review of 'Heart of Darkness' on 'Goodreads'

5 stars

With it being one of the many classics I had left unread, I finally started reading Heart of Darkness a couple of days ago, and quickly moved through this little gem. There are more than enough summaries, analyses and critiques of this story on the internet, so I'll just make a few comments.

On Goodreads, a number of people are complaining about the cliched, cheap use of dark Africa as a metaphor for the darkness of protagonist Marlow's darkened soul. While I don't think it's wrong to see this as a metaphor, I find it a bit superficial to keep it at that. It is the darkness and savagery of the jungle that bring Marlow - and all other characters that venture into its depths - to according states. The African land is not as much a metaphor for, as a causal explanation of the darkness of Marlow, Kurtz and …

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